

c# Programming Glossary: delegatetype

General purpose FromEvent method


static void GetDelegateParameterAndReturnTypes Type delegateType out List Type parameterTypes out Type returnType if delegateType.BaseType.. out List Type parameterTypes out Type returnType if delegateType.BaseType typeof MulticastDelegate throw new ArgumentException.. typeof MulticastDelegate throw new ArgumentException delegateType is not a delegate MethodInfo invoke delegateType.GetMethod Invoke..

Delegate.CreateDelegate() and generics: Error binding to target method


BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly BindingFlags.NonPublic let delegateType typeof classyDelegate select Delegate.CreateDelegate delegateType.. typeof classyDelegate select Delegate.CreateDelegate delegateType method .ToList But the Delegate.CreateDelegate delegateType.. method .ToList But the Delegate.CreateDelegate delegateType method throws an ArgumentException saying Error binding to target..

Dynamic LINQ OrderBy on IEnumerable<T>


Expression.Property expr pi type pi.PropertyType Type delegateType typeof Func .MakeGenericType typeof T type LambdaExpression.. typeof T type LambdaExpression lambda Expression.Lambda delegateType expr arg object result typeof Queryable .GetMethods .Single..