

c# Programming Glossary: deliberately

How to configure Simple Injector to run background threads in ASP.NET MVC


is that you can't do keyed registrations. This feature is deliberately left out of the Simple Injector and the design of the Simple..

XML deserialization 'standardising' line endings, how to stop it? (.NET)


put the code into a C# development environment. I've also deliberately not included using statements it is only sample code. For the..

'Goto' is this bad?


into a separate function while ProcessValues ... Body left deliberately empty ... private bool ProcessValues for int i 0 i 15 i Do..

If Int32 is just an alias for int, how can the Int32 class use an int?


Is there some magic in the compiler Yes the error is deliberately suppressed in the compiler. The cycle checker is skipped entirely..

Quick and Simple Hash Code Combinations


5 0 hash 0 5 etc which may come up occasionally. I have deliberately used it for set hashing if you want to hash a sequence of items..

Weak event handler model for use with lambdas


framework but only experience will show that. I've deliberately created a new question to give me space to explain how I got..

Learning C#, ASP.NET 3.5 - what order should I learn in / what to skip?


open the doors of understanding to what lies ahead I am deliberately not mentioning fundamentals like value reference Types Classes..

Common programming mistakes in .Net when handling exceptions? [closed]


of service attacks by hostile partial trust code which deliberately creates exceptions producing situations. Robustness error Handlers..

XML file creation Using XDocument in C#


data new XAttribute value x I've used this code layout deliberately to make the code itself reflect the structure of the document...

why do we need the new keyword and why is the default behavior to hide and not override?


Using LINQ to find item in a List but get “Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source”


code Replace locations that can end up null with something deliberately not null If all fails rewrite your LINQ statement as loop and..

LINQ Expression to return Property value?


.Take 100 .ToArray now do our fun select using a deliberately small batch size to prove it... using var ctx new DataClasses1DataContext..

No type inference with generic extension method


improve this question Generic method type inference deliberately does not make any deductions from the constraints. Rather deductions..

How to get a user's client IP address in ASP.NET?


to.In fact some users like it this way. Some people deliberately use an annoymising proxy to further confound you for security..

Is it better to declare a variable inside or outside a loop?


i sb new StringBuilder sb.Append x Console.WriteLine sb I deliberately picked both a value type and a reference type in case that affects.. sb are scoped to the foreach and cannot be accessed either deliberately or accidentally outside of it. In my Method2 x and sb are not..

Is there a synchronization class that guarantee FIFO order in C#?


chapter but it does note that locks have been made deliberately unfair in recent editions of Windows to improve scalability..