

c# Programming Glossary: del

Cannot use ref or out parameter in lambda expressions


the following prints 42 void Example2 int p1 Action del p1 42 del Console.WriteLine p1 These two properties produce.. following prints 42 void Example2 int p1 Action del p1 42 del Console.WriteLine p1 These two properties produce a certain..

C# Lambda expression, why should I use this?


example that have help me to understand more like this one delegate int del int i del myDelegate x x x int j myDelegate 5 j.. have help me to understand more like this one delegate int del int i del myDelegate x x x int j myDelegate 5 j 25 But I still.. me to understand more like this one delegate int del int i del myDelegate x x x int j myDelegate 5 j 25 But I still do not..

Single-assembly multi-language Windows Forms deployment (ILMerge and satellite assemblies / localization) - possible?


SingleAssemblyComponentResourceManager System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager private Type _contextTypeInfo private.. use this class you need to replace the System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager in the XXX.Designer.cs files created.. 1fr InputProg.resources.dll IF ERRORLEVEL NEQ 0 GOTO END del 1InputProg.exe del 1InputProg.pdb del 1TempProg.exe del 1TempProg.pdb..

How do I split a string by strings and include the delimiters using .NET?


do I split a string by strings and include the delimiters using .NET There are many similar questions but apparently.. a random string e.g. 123xx456yy789 by a list of string delimiters e.g. xx yy and include the delimiters in the result here.. by a list of string delimiters e.g. xx yy and include the delimiters in the result here 123 xx 456 yy 789 . Good performance..

Visual Studio build fails: unable to copy exe-file from obj\debug to bin\debug


to launch the application. I got the warning Unable to delete file '...bin Debug ProjectName .exe'. Access to the path.. the project's pre build event if exist TargetPath .locked del TargetPath .locked if not exist TargetPath .locked if exist..

x86/x64 CPUID in C#


the code everything works up until the actual call to del and fails in that line. This code is based on this article's.. CallingConvention.Cdecl private delegate void CpuIDDelegate int level byte buffer DllImport kernel32.dll.. CallingConvention.Cdecl private unsafe delegate void CPUID0Delegate byte buffer UnmanagedFunctionPointerAttribute..

Automatically INotifyPropertyChanged


name sender The object that raised the event. param public delegate void PropertyChangedHandler TSender TSender sender #endregion.. as PropertyInfo Invoke event foreach Delegate del in EventHandler.GetInvocationList del.DynamicInvoke new constantExpression.Value.. foreach Delegate del in EventHandler.GetInvocationList del.DynamicInvoke new constantExpression.Value new PropertyChangedEventArgs..

Passing arguments to C# generic new() of templated type


public static string GetAllItems T ... Func ListItem T del ... List T tabListItems new List T foreach ListItem listItem.. ListItem listItem in listCollection tabListItems.Add del listItem ... You can then call it like so GetAllItems Foo .....

How to trap the keyboard strokes on a c# win forms application (CTRl + alt +Del)


keyboard strokes on a c# win forms application CTRl alt Del Is there Any way to handle the Ctrl Alt Del Key combination... CTRl alt Del Is there Any way to handle the Ctrl Alt Del Key combination. Take for instance in a quiz application Win.. using c# standard properties. but once they user hits the Del key . The control goes out of my appliation and windows handles..

Self deletable application in C# in one executable


. Basically if you use Process.Start you can pass in the Del parameter and the path to the application you wish to delete...

How to know while user editing the WPF DataGrid Cell is empty?


check if cell is empty . User can empty the data by using Del Backspace Cut options etc. Give me a event and event handler..

Long List Selector Observable Collection and Visual Tree - problems?


Add Grid.Row 0 Grid.Column 1 Button x Name delBtn Content Del Grid.Row 1 Grid.Column 1 Button x Name showBtn Content Show..

Simple Delegate (delegate) vs. Multicast delegates


Delegate delegate vs. Multicast delegates I have gone through many.. This article explains it pretty well delegate void Del string s class TestClass static void Hello string s System.Console.WriteLine.. s System.Console.WriteLine Goodbye 0 s static void Main Del a b c d Create the delegate object a that references the method..

Programatically disabling Taskmanager using c#


the taskmanager. So that when the user press ctrl alt Del and ctrl shift escape the taskmanager should not pop up. How.. alt tab alt f4 start menu and so on public void KillCtrlAltDelete RegistryKey regkey string keyValueInt 1 string subKey Software..

Generating Delegate Types dynamically in C#


Delegate Types dynamically in C# We have a requirement where we.. output would be simple types. eg we need to generate int Del int int int string and int Del2 int int string int Any pointers.. eg we need to generate int Del int int int string and int Del2 int int string int Any pointers on how to get started on this..

How can I intercept all key events, including ctrl+alt+del and ctrl+tab?


application which prevents the user from pressing Ctrl Alt Del. If you want to stop the user from accessing the system without.. protect the system as if the user had pressed Ctrl Alt Del and then selected Lock this computer . To unlock the computer.. unlock the computer they would then need to press Ctrl Alt Del and enter their credentials into WinLogon. However ignoring..