

c# Programming Glossary: deletion

Why have HashSet but not Set in C#?


I would like to have a set with standard lookup addition deletion performance. I wouldn't care much whether it is realized with..

How do I delete a file which is locked by another process in C#?


could use the MoveFileEx API function to mark the file for deletion upon next reboot. If it appears that you really need to delete..

How To Get DeleteUrlCacheEntry() Error Codes? (Or additional information on why a particular deletion didn't work)?


Error Codes Or additional information on why a particular deletion didn't work Basically when I call DeleteUrlCacheEntry which.. API I either get returned the number 1 which means deletion successful or the number 0 which meant deletion didn't work.. means deletion successful or the number 0 which meant deletion didn't work . My question is how can I find out why a deletion..

SQLite keeps the database locked even after the connection is closed


locked and cannot be accessed for example for reading or deletion remarks public static void DisposeTableAdapter bool disposing..

.Net Data structures: ArrayList, List, HashTable, Dictionary, SortedList, SortedDictionary — Speed, memory, and when to use each?


the same on retrieval since it doesn't have to resort but deletion will be slower than a plain old list. I tend to use List and..

MailSystem.Net Delete Message, IndexOnServer Property = 0


here is a fuller example of how you can use the UID for deletion without being concerned with the numeric position index. class..

Comparing strings with tolerance [closed]


other with the allowable edit operations being insertion deletion or substitution of a single character. Wikipedia.com This one..

How do you monitor file access and changes on a file server by user name?


to find a way to monitor changes modification renaming deletion moving of files in specific folders on the company's shared..

How to modify or delete items from an enumerable collection while iterating through it in C#


a for loop in which I check if a row meets the demands for deletion and then mark it as deleted I should first iterate through the.. a list then iterate through the list and mark the rows for deletions. What are the reasons for this and what alternatives do I have..

C# Drag-and-Drop: Show the dragged item while dragging


Implementing Audit Trail for Objects in C#?


code for events of the base object like on creation on deletion etc. ORM objects .The thing is that if there was a way to inject..

CommandParameters in ContextMenu in WPF


I can handle the selection of the TreeViewItems on the deletion of the currently selected item. But if I bind the CommandParameters..

Entity Framework 4.1 DbSet Reload


to delete objects but I might have to support item deletion in the long run. This doesn't seem right there should be a way..

“MoveFile” function in C# (Delete file after reboot) C#


Cascade delete in entity framework ( table per type inheritance )


Garbage collection in .NET (generations)


Every function call can mean the creation and deletion collection of multiple objects and so the memory heap for your..