

c# Programming Glossary: deliberate

Excel interop: _Worksheet or Worksheet?


Using separate start end cells instead of just A1 T1 is deliberate it's easier to see that it's genuinely a range of 20 cells...

What all should an expert C#/.Net/WPF developer know? [closed]


would you expect a would be expert to have read What other deliberate steps can I take to become really good at application development..

C# 4.0 'dynamic' doesn't set ref/out arguments


can be fixed in a service pack. Alternatively if this is a deliberate restriction limitation it should be clearly documented in MSDN..

Method overloads resolution and Jon Skeet's Brain Teasers


share improve this question This behaviour is deliberate and carefully designed. The reason is because this choice mitigates..

Facebook C# SDK and Access Token


How do I enforce an expiration date for a trial install of my software?


because they haven't really thought to pay. The other is deliberate piracy people who are determined not to pay and are willing..

C# - static types cannot be used as type arguments


c# generics static share improve this question This is deliberate. Static classes try to prevent inappropriate use so in almost..

How can a Metro app in Windows 8 communicate with a backend desktop app on the same machine?


comment quoted According to Martyn Lovell there isn't any deliberate mechanism for that and some that could be used for it are intentionally..