

c# Programming Glossary: deflatestream

Python: Inflate and Deflate implementations


stream using MemoryStream ms new MemoryStream using DeflateStream deflateStream new DeflateStream ms CompressionMode.Compress.. ms new MemoryStream using DeflateStream deflateStream new DeflateStream ms CompressionMode.Compress true write byte buffer into memorystream.. Adler 32 checksum of the uncompressed data 4 bytes The C# DeflateStream works on you guessed it a deflate stream. MizardX's code is..

Why does my C# gzip produce a larger file than Fiddler or PHP?


users should not use the Microsoft provided GZipStream or DeflateStream classes under any circumstances unless Microsoft replaces them.. have fixed the compression problem and GZipStream and DeflateStream use zlib in those versions. I do not know if the CRC problem..

zip and unzip string with Deflate


str using MemoryStream output new MemoryStream using DeflateStream gzip new DeflateStream output CompressionMode.Compress using.. output new MemoryStream using DeflateStream gzip new DeflateStream output CompressionMode.Compress using StreamWriter writer new.. MemoryStream inputStream new MemoryStream input using DeflateStream gzip new DeflateStream inputStream CompressionMode.Decompress..

Characters in string changed after downloading HTML from the internet


response.ContentEncoding.ToLower .Contains deflate s new DeflateStream s CompressionMode.Decompress MemoryStream memStream new MemoryStream..

Sockets in C#: How to get the response stream?


.Contains deflate responseStream new DeflateStream responseStream CompressionMode.Decompress MemoryStream memStream.. if contentEncoding.Equals deflate responseStream new DeflateStream responseStream CompressionMode.Decompress var memStream new..

Can gzip compression be selectively disabled in ASP.NET/IIS 7?


deflate context.Response.Filter new DeflateStream context.Response.Filter CompressionMode.Compress context.Response.AppendHeader..

HttpWebRequest & Native GZip Compression


CompressionMode.Decompress break case DEFLATE stream new DeflateStream webResponse.GetResponseStream CompressionMode.Decompress break..