

c# Programming Glossary: delegates

How to wait for thread to finish with .NET?


I'd be interested to know the difference between using delegates and events for thread notification the only difference I know..

C# Lambda expression, why should I use this?


Lambda expressions are a simpler syntax for anonymous delegates and can be used everywhere an anonymous delegate can be used... an example of a LINQ to Objects expression using anonymous delegates then lambda expressions to show how much easier on the eye they.. .Where x x 2 0 .ToList Lambda expressions and anonymous delegates have an advantage over writing a separate function they implement..

Unsubscribe anonymous method in C#


to unsubscribe this anonymous method If so how c# delegates anonymous methods share improve this question Action myDelegate..

Access to Modified Closure


and using it later however you'd find that all of the delegates would throw exceptions when trying to access files i they're.. the variable i rather than its value at the time of the delegates creation. In short it's something to be aware of as a potential..

When to Use Static Classes in C#


strategy pattern. We might patch some issues up by passing delegates instead of interfaces . Testing This basically goes hand in..

How is Generic Covariance & Contra-variance Implemented in C# 4.0?


will. Firstly it will only be supported for interfaces and delegates. Secondly it requires the author of the interface delegate to.. course C# 2 already has covariance and contravariance of delegates to some extent but via an actual conversion from one delegate..

What are the differences between delegates and events?


are the differences between delegates and events What are the differences between delegates and an.. delegates and events What are the differences between delegates and an events Don't both hold references to functions that can.. references to functions that can be executed c# events delegates glossary share improve this question An Event declaration..

Difference between events and delegates and its respective applications


between events and delegates and its respective applications I don't see advantages of using.. applications I don't see advantages of using events over delegates other than being syntactical sugar. Perhaps I am misunderstanding.. and I want to get to the bottom of it. When would you use delegates over events and vice versa Please state your real world experience..

Why would you use Expression<Func<T>> rather than Func<T>?


than Func T I understand lambdas and the Func and Action delegates. But expressions stump me. In what circumstances would you use.. an Expression Func T rather than a plain old Func T c# delegates lambda expression trees share improve this question When..

Understanding events and event handlers in C#


To understand event handlers you need to understand delegates . In C# you can think of a delegate as a pointer or a reference.. between the event and the methods to be executed are the delegates. The event must internally store a list of pointers to the methods..

Event Signature in .NET — Using a Strong Typed 'Sender'?


covariance and contravariance and how it applies here. Delegates in the C# language have had covariance and contravariance for..

Passing properties by reference in C#


test person.Name Debug.Assert person.Name test 2. Delegates void GetString string input Func string getOutput Action string..

Order of items in classes: Fields, Properties, Constructors, Methods [closed]


Constant Fields Fields Constructors Finalizers Destructors Delegates Events Enums Interfaces Properties Indexers Methods Structs..

Contravariance explained


Employee new PersonComparer Using Variance in Delegates Event hander that accepts a parameter of the EventArgs type... Using Variance for Func and Action Generic Delegates static void AddToContacts Person person This method adds a Person..

when & why to use delegates? [duplicate]


I'm relatively new in c# I'm wondering when to use Delegates appropriately . they are widely used in events declaration but.. for the help. EDIT I think I've found a necessary use of Delegates here c# .net delegates share improve this question I agree.. All the OnEventX delegate to the methods the user defines. Delegates are useful to offer to the user of your objects some ability..

How do C# Events work behind the scenes?


method signatures suggest this is only used for attaching Delegates to an already existing EventHandler through the typical ElementAddedEvent..

Get an IDataReader from a typed List


summary public static class DynamicProperties #region Delegates public delegate object GenericGetter object target public delegate..

In what areas might the use of F# be more appropriate than C#? [closed]


LINQ list comprehension Lambdas Closures Anonymous Delegates and more... Given C#'s adoption of these functional features..

Delegates, Why? [duplicate]


Why duplicate Possible Duplicates When would you use delegates..

Uses of Action delegate in C#


of Action delegate in C# I was working with the Action Delegates in C# in the hope of learning more about them and thinking where..

Default visibility for C# classes and members (fields, methods, etc)?


default . ... interfaces default to internal access. ... Delegates behave like classes and structs. By default they have internal..

Automatically INotifyPropertyChanged


great public static class NotificationExtensions #region Delegates summary A property changed handler without the property name...

Predicate Delegates in C#


Delegates in C# Can you explain me What is Predicate Delegate Where should..

The art of programming: Java vs C# [closed]


Integer objects have revealed a factor of 3 improvement Delegates Events LINQ Extension methods First class properties Operator..

when not to use lambda expressions [closed]


vs for foreach loops with different results Anonymous Delegates vs Lambda Expressions vs Function Calls Performance Performance..

C# Events and Thread Safety


will still be executed because it'll be a new list. Delegates are immutable. As far as I can see this is unavoidable. Using..