

c# Programming Glossary: delayed

Singleton double-check concurrency issue


code writes that initialize the Foo instance could be delayed until the write of the instance value thus creating the possibility..

Drag and drop virtual files using IStream


The files are stored in a database so I need to use delayed data rendering. There is an article on codeproject.com but the.. I have working example of the opposite task accepting delayed rendering files from explorer but it is easier because I do.. stream it is relatively easy to implement Implement delayed rendering using information from MSDN Shell Clipboard Formats..

Volatile vs. Interlocked vs. lock


write 5 times but thread B may see those writes as being delayed or even potentially in the wrong order . A solution would be..

Write an Rx “RetryAfter” extension method


in between each attempt. One way of doing that is with a delayed subscription . Observable.Defer source.DelaySubscription TimeSpan.FromSeconds..

How to display indirect data in Jqgrid


formatting of the column of grid body one don't support delayed filling. So to use formatter select one have to set formatoptions.value..

“A timeout was reached while waiting for the service to connect” error after rebooting


to Win7 and 2008R2 and I know that setting the service to delayed start may solve this for Vista and later but that seems like..

Algorithm to avoid SQL injection on MSSQL Server from C# code?


table data for fields that match any of these could reveal delayed attacks or vulnerabilties. Also logging ip banning email alerts..

How do I backup and restore the system clipboard in C#?


could be dozens of unrendered data formats present using delayed rendering and if you attempt to render them all you'll cause..

How to throttle event stream using RX?


for the original sequence to fire. These tickets are delayed for the timeout excluding the very first one which is immediately..

Compare using Thread.Sleep and Timer for delayed execution


using Thread.Sleep and Timer for delayed execution I have a method which should be delayed running for.. for delayed execution I have a method which should be delayed running for a specified amount of time. Should I use Thread.. Timer Timer has dispose method. Since the execution is delayed I don't know how to dispose Timer. Do you have any suggestions..

Linq-to-Sql: recursively get children


but insert update delete become expensive or you need a delayed scheduled task . Re 2 you can only yield the type specified..

Response is not available in this context


If you're up for it though you could probably get that delayed startup mechanism implemented. Compared to punishing the first..

How to write a scalable Tcp/Ip based server


the BeginReceive of the next block from the client isn't delayed while whatever message processing code is running. The accept..