

c# Programming Glossary: delimiter

How do I split a string by a multi-character delimiter in C#?


do I split a string by a multi character delimiter in C# What if I want to split a string using a delimiter that.. delimiter in C# What if I want to split a string using a delimiter that is a word For example This is a sentence . I want to split.. This and a sentence . In Java I can send in a string as a delimiter but how do I accomplish this in C# c# string share improve..

string.split - by multiple character delimiter


by multiple character delimiter i am having trouble splitting a string in c# with a delimiter.. i am having trouble splitting a string in c# with a delimiter of . For example the string abc rfd 5 . Should yield an array.. it to work even if I try RegEx I cannot get a split on the delimiter. EDIT Essentially I wanted to resolve this issue without the..

Find common prefix of strings


h a . How to find that Usually I'd split the string with delimiter ' ' and put it in another list and so on. Is there any better..

What's the best string concatenation method using C#?


is that you have to concatenate the strings with a common delimiter. string key String.Join _ new String Customers_Contacts customerID..

How do I split a string by strings and include the delimiters using .NET?


do I split a string by strings and include the delimiters using .NET There are many similar questions but apparently.. a random string e.g. 123xx456yy789 by a list of string delimiters e.g. xx yy and include the delimiters in the result here 123.. by a list of string delimiters e.g. xx yy and include the delimiters in the result here 123 xx 456 yy 789 . Good performance is..

Split List into Sublists with LINQ


separate lists of SomeObject using the item index as the delimiter of each split Let me exemplify I have a List SomeObject and..

parse and execute JS by C#


string itemName string subItemName string eventName string delimiter IntPtr sourceContextCookie uint startingLineNumber ScriptText.. string code string itemName IntPtr context string delimiter int sourceContextCookie uint startingLineNumber ScriptText flags.. string itemName string subItemName string eventName string delimiter IntPtr sourceContextCookie uint startingLineNumber ScriptText..

Does any one know of a faster method to do String.Split()?


column. So right now I am just using values line.Split delimiter where line is the a string that holds the values that are seperated.. a string that holds the values that are seperated by the delimiter. Measuring the performance of my ReadNextRow method I noticed..

C# Begin/EndReceive - how do I read large data?


possible solutions I could either have an end of packet delimiter or I could read the packet header to find the length and then.. each of these though. I don't like the idea of using a delimiter as a user could somehow work that into a packet in an input..

Double.TryParse or Convert.ToDouble - which is faster and safer?


is a number with few digits 1000 1000 2 1000 34 comma is a delimiter in Russian standards . What is better to check current string..

Writing large number of records (bulk insert) to Access in .NET/C#


The import specification also had to have the quote delimiter set right. In the example below with only integer fields there..