c# Programming Glossary: defineconstants
Embedding mercurial revision information in Visual Studio c# projects automatically http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2386440/embedding-mercurial-revision-information-in-visual-studio-c-sharp-projects-autom Optimize false Optimize OutputPath bin Debug OutputPath DefineConstants DEBUG TRACE DefineConstants ErrorReport prompt ErrorReport WarningLevel.. bin Debug OutputPath DefineConstants DEBUG TRACE DefineConstants ErrorReport prompt ErrorReport WarningLevel 4 WarningLevel PropertyGroup.. Optimize true Optimize OutputPath bin Release OutputPath DefineConstants TRACE DefineConstants ErrorReport prompt ErrorReport WarningLevel..
C# Conditional Compilation and framework targets http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2923210/c-sharp-conditional-compilation-and-framework-targets know which framework is being targeted from MSBuild. p DefineConstants NET40 Update My question is how are people handling this situation.. your project PropertyGroup Condition ' Framework ' 'NET20' DefineConstants NET20 DefineConstants OutputPath bin Configuration Framework.. Condition ' Framework ' 'NET20' DefineConstants NET20 DefineConstants OutputPath bin Configuration Framework OutputPath PropertyGroup..
Detect target framework version at compile time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3436526/detect-target-framework-version-at-compile-time but when I had a need for this I just added conditional DefineConstants elements so in my Debug x86 for instance after the existing.. so in my Debug x86 for instance after the existing DefineConstants for DEBUG TRACE I added these 2 checking the value in TFV that.. was set in the first PropertyGroup of the csproj file. DefineConstants Condition ' TargetFrameworkVersion ' 'v4.0' RUNNING_ON_4 DefineConstants..