

c# Programming Glossary: delegate.combine

Event and delegate contravariance in .NET 4.0 and C# 4.0


a bit nasty. It would be quite nice to have a generic Delegate.Combine call but you couldn't really express the relevant types in a..

How do C# Events work behind the scenes?


to __ElementAddedEvent value __ElementAddedEvent Delegate.Combine __ElementAddedEvent value remove lock this Equivalent to..

Co- and Contravariance bugs in .NET 4.0


Delegates must be of the same type. Strange isn't it Why Delegate.Combine which is been called when performing operation on the delegates.. annotation because of it nicely hides the bug with the Delegate.Combine p.s. All this affects the VS2010 RC and later versions. c#..

Checking for null before event dispatching… thread safe?


implementations of the add and remove accessors the Delegate.Combine and Delegate.Remove static methods are used. Each of these methods..

How to correctly unregister an event handler


default implementation of adding an event handler calls Delegate.Combine while removing an event handler calls Delegate.Remove Fire MyDelegate..

Add delegate to event - thread safety


do handler2 myEvent EventHandler handler3 EventHandler Delegate.Combine handler2 value myEvent Interlocked.CompareExchange EventHandler.. that looks the same but with Delegate.Remove instead of Delegate.Combine . Notice the use of Interlocked.CompareExchange This prevents..

Are event subscribers called in order of subscription?


like myHandler value that gets translated into myHandler Delegate.Combine myHandler value and Delegate.Combine guarantees the ordering... into myHandler Delegate.Combine myHandler value and Delegate.Combine guarantees the ordering. However if you had an event like this..