

c# Programming Glossary: definitive

Case Statement Block Level Declaration Space in C#


explain why this is illegal. I shall attempt to be definitive. First off to be strictly correct scope is the wrong word to..

Why should a .NET struct be less than 16 bytes?


it is a hard upper limit. e.g. MSDN Does anyone have a definitive answer about why it is 16 bytes c# .net share improve this..

Do I need to lock or mark as volatile when accessing a simple boolean flag in C#?


opposing schools of thought on this. I am looking for a definitive answer on this so please if possible post your reasons and cite..

Is there a complete IEquatable implementation reference?


about it are quite incomplete. I want to find or write a definitive reference which must include How to implement IEquatable correctly..

Is casting the same thing as converting?


on this opinions don't count here Can anyone point to a definitive reference that confirms or denies if casting and converting..

Google Geolocation API library


in progress for those developing Gears not to serve as definitive documentation of the API. Regarding the JSON protocol I've updated..

Is it possible to run a .net 4.5 app on XP?


is no way around this but I had to see if I could get a definitive answer as my team would like to upgrade from 4.0 to 4.5. However..

How to prevent out-of-range datetime value error?


in SQL Server 2008 with the new date and time formats. The definitive article by Tibor Karaszi Edit And another article by Tony Rogerson..

Lock-free multi-threading is for real threading experts


Apps . ...and of course as @Eric mentioned Joe Duffy is a definitive read on the subject. A good STM can get as close to fine grained..

Write to CSV file and export it?


and I have searched on Google but I'm not able to find a definitive answer how do you write a CSV file to the webserver and export..

Does lock() guarantee acquired in order requested?


and it seems to indicate yes but I'm not sure if this is definitive. class LockSequence private static readonly object _lock new..

Interprocess communication for Windows in C# (.NET 2.0)


www.genuinechannels.com Index.aspx Ingo Rammer wrote the definitive .Net remoting book Advanced .NET Remoting Second Edition Win32..

Set Timeout For Controller Action


to reproduce in my unsecure local environment so a definitive fix will help. If I use the attribute AsyncTimeout 3600 on my..

Are .NET ref parameters thread-safe, or vulnerable to unsafe multithreaded access?


on other threads. But we're having trouble finding a definitive answer on that point in documenation and discussion of ref parameters... of ref parameters. Can anyone assuage my concern with a definitive citation Edit for conclusion Having confirmed it with a multi..

How expensive are exceptions in C#?


not deep however I have read conflicting reports. Is there definitive report that hasn't been rebutted c# exception share improve..

ServiceStack.Net Redis: Storing Related Objects vs. Related Object Ids


specific ServiceStack.Net docs or both is there actually a definitive source for documentation on how to implement a Redis via ServiceStack.Net..

How to get cell value with applied formatting (formatted cell value) with OpenXML SDK


I'm very surprised that it's so difficult to find a definitive answer to this question on the Web as I thought that this would..

Is there any definitive documentation on writing software installers?


there any definitive documentation on writing software installers I've read a bunch..

Is accessing a variable in C# an atomic operation?


c# multithreading share improve this question For the definitive answer go to the spec. Partition I Section 12.6.6 of the CLI..