

c# Programming Glossary: delta

Changing master volume level


return rtn 0 static void AdjustVolume MixerInfo mi int delta VOLUME volume GetVolume mi if delta 0 volume.left Math.Min mi.maxVolume.. MixerInfo mi int delta VOLUME volume GetVolume mi if delta 0 volume.left Math.Min mi.maxVolume volume.left delta volume.right.. if delta 0 volume.left Math.Min mi.maxVolume volume.left delta volume.right Math.Min mi.maxVolume volume.right delta else volume.left..

Comparing 2 objects and retrieve a list of fields with different values


WriteDeltas T T x T y Console.WriteLine foreach string delta in PropertyComparer T .GetDeltas x y Console.WriteLine delta.. in PropertyComparer T .GetDeltas x y Console.WriteLine delta class Dummy class Foo public int X get set public DateTime..

Compare RGB colors in c#


Any value higher than 0 could be judged by the rule 'A delta e of 1 or less is indistinguishable by most people'. share..

Algorithm to Switch Between RGB and HSB Color Values


should go into HSB to RGB in my C# conversion ... if s 0 delta s maxRGB 255 if h 5 rgb.Red Convert.ToByte Math.Round maxRGB.. maxRGB if h 6 rgb.Green Convert.ToByte Math.Round maxRGB delta rgb.Blue Convert.ToByte rgb.Green Math.Round h 6 delta if h.. delta rgb.Blue Convert.ToByte rgb.Green Math.Round h 6 delta if h 3 ... also should it be like above or if h 6 else if h..

C# float bug? 0.1 - 0.1 = 1.490116E-08


point math... you always have to check against a small delta to account for imperceptible rounding differences. Depending..

How to make my Windows Form app snap to screen edges?


int SnapDist 100 private bool DoSnap int pos int edge int delta pos edge return delta 0 delta SnapDist protected override void.. bool DoSnap int pos int edge int delta pos edge return delta 0 delta SnapDist protected override void OnResizeEnd EventArgs.. DoSnap int pos int edge int delta pos edge return delta 0 delta SnapDist protected override void OnResizeEnd EventArgs e base.OnResizeEnd..

Compare RGB colors in c#


improve this question What you are looking for is called Delta E . http www.colorwiki.com wiki Delta_E _The_Color_Difference.. for is called Delta E . http www.colorwiki.com wiki Delta_E _The_Color_Difference It is the distance between two colors.. said that the human eye cannot distinguish colors below 1 DeltaE I find that my eyes can find differences in colors below 1..

Algorithm to Switch Between RGB and HSB Color Values


RGBToHSB rgb As RGBColor As HSBColor Dim minRGB maxRGB Delta As Double Dim h s b As Double h 0 minRGB Min Min rgb.Red rgb.Green.. rgb.Blue maxRGB Max Max rgb.Red rgb.Green rgb.Blue Delta maxRGB minRGB b maxRGB If maxRGB 0 Then s 255 Delta maxRGB Else.. Delta maxRGB minRGB b maxRGB If maxRGB 0 Then s 255 Delta maxRGB Else s 0 End If If s 0 Then If rgb.Red maxRGB Then h..