

c# Programming Glossary: definitely

Elevating process privilege programatically?


What strategies and tools are useful for finding memory leaks in .NET?


shouldn't have to worry about such things when you very definitely do. One particular problem I find is that I have to explicitly..

switch / pattern matching idea


while I'm not likely to leap the fence any time soon it definitely highlights some areas where C# or library support could make..

Named string formatting in C#


UPDATE I ended up doing something like this post but it's definitely not pretty. I'll try out John Sheehan's approach but if anybody..

C#: String.Equals vs. == [duplicate]


C# okay with comparing value types to null


ever possibly be null. Especially since this assignment definitely throws a compiler error Int32 x null Is it possible that x could..

Is there a better alternative than this to 'switch on type'?


share improve this question Switching on types is definitely lacking in C#. In order to do this without a large if else if..

What is the difference between i++ and ++i?


like the other two answers don't spell it out and it's definitely worth saying i means 'tell me the value of i then increment'..

Localization of DisplayNameAttribute


However I lose strongly typed resource benefits which is definitely not a good thing. Then I came across DisplayNameResourceAttribute..

Good or bad practice for Dialogs in wpf with MVVM?


similar ones in the past. Go for it One minor thing I'd definitely do is make the event receive a boolean for when you need to..

Best practices for exception management in Java or C#


you should generally rethrow the exceptions. You should definitely not have a lot of try catch statements in your code. Again the..

Casting vs using the 'as' keyword in the CLR


fact there are situations in which the as plus null check definitely is slower. The above code actually makes the type check easy..

Use of Application.DoEvents()


exactly what it does which in the case of DoEvents is definitely not easy to grok. Right off the bat almost any Winforms program..

Read MS Exchange email in C#


server. If you can make 2007 a requirement this is definitely the way to go. Sadly for me my company has a but 2003 isn't..

Use of null check in event handler


you're right that you don't need the null check if you've definitely got a subscribed handler. This can easily be done in C# 2 with..

is “else if” faster than “switch() case”? [duplicate]


the difference is small. If you have many items you should definitely use a switch. If a switch contains more than five items it's..

When should I use double instead of decimal?


as great precision someone correct me if I'm wrong and definitely greater speed for arbitrary real numbers. The simple conclusion..

How to write a scalable Tcp/Ip based server


have connected at any given time possibly hundreds . I definitely do not want to start a thread for each connection. Data will..

Why Interface Layer/Abstract classes required in our project? [closed]


if not direcly solves most of this problems but definitely makes scallable your application and more resistant to changes..

Best Practices of Test Driven Development Using C# and RhinoMocks [closed]


testing tdd rhino mocks share improve this question Definitely a good list. Here are a few thoughts on it Write the test first..

What is a Managed Module (compared to an Assembly)?


Is a PE file eg. test.dll a managed module or an assembly Definitely a module. If it also has a manifest and no child modules it's..

Understanding Garbage Collection in .net


do when the reference is part of an object on the GC heap. Definitely not easy to do when the object reference is stored in a CPU..

Recommend an Open Source .NET Barcode Reader Library [closed]


Kerschbaumer mentions in another answer to this question . Definitely keep an eye on that project It looks like a very robust solution...

Does *every* Excel interop object need to be released using Marshal.ReleaseComObject?


the problem of how to properly dispose of COM objects. Definitely check beyond the first marked answer because the other answers..

Loading a file to a Bitmap but leaving the original file intact


space and its not running on a 64 bit operating system. Definitely avoid doing this if the bitmap's Width x Height x 4 45 MB give..

No ItemChecked event in a CheckedListBox?


sure. CheckedListBox just isn't a very good control. Definitely not done by one of the gurus in the original Winforms team...

How to use multiple form elements in ASP.NET MVC


mvc asp.net mvc 3 razor share improve this question Definitely a job for an editor template. So in your view you put this single..

Should I catch exceptions only to log them?


logging exception handling share improve this question Definitely not. You should find the correct place to handle the exception..