c# Programming Glossary: getwindow
How to get the handle of the topmost form in a WinForm app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1000847/how-to-get-the-handle-of-the-topmost-form-in-a-winform-app hWnd DllImport user32.dll CharSet CharSet.Auto EntryPoint GetWindow SetLastError true public static extern IntPtr GetNextWindow..
What's the best way to enter numbers in Windows Mobile? (.NET CF 3.5) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1324559/whats-the-best-way-to-enter-numbers-in-windows-mobile-net-cf-3-5 one level below as the actual SIP window is a child hWnd GetWindow hWnd GW_CHILD Obtain its context and get a color sample The.. one level below as the actual SIP window is a child hWnd GetWindow hWnd GW_CHILD Obtain its context and get a color sample The.. caption DllImport coredll.dll private extern static IntPtr GetWindow IntPtr hWnd int nType DllImport coredll.dll private extern static..
c# Get handles to all windows of a process http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2238609/c-sharp-get-handles-to-all-windows-of-a-process
How to enumerate all windows within a process? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2281429/how-to-enumerate-all-windows-within-a-process windows could also have children and so on. There is also GetWindow and EnumThreadWindows Another post here with some more details..
WPF User Control Parent http://stackoverflow.com/questions/302839/wpf-user-control-parent Try using the following Window parentWindow Window.GetWindow userControlRefernce The GetWindow method will walk the VisualTree.. parentWindow Window.GetWindow userControlRefernce The GetWindow method will walk the VisualTree for you and locate the window..
Starting and stopping IIS Express programmatically http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4772092/starting-and-stopping-iis-express-programmatically user32.dll SetLastError true internal static extern IntPtr GetWindow IntPtr hWnd uint uCmd DllImport user32.dll SetLastError true.. user32.dll SetLastError true internal static extern uint GetWindowThreadProcessId IntPtr hwnd out uint lpdwProcessId DllImport.. IntPtr.Zero ptr IntPtr.Zero ptr NativeMethods.GetWindow ptr 2 uint num NativeMethods.GetWindowThreadProcessId ptr..
How to hide desktop icons programatically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6402834/how-to-hide-desktop-icons-programatically user32.dll SetLastError true static extern IntPtr GetWindow IntPtr hWnd GetWindow_Cmd uCmd enum GetWindow_Cmd uint GW_HWNDFIRST.. true static extern IntPtr GetWindow IntPtr hWnd GetWindow_Cmd uCmd enum GetWindow_Cmd uint GW_HWNDFIRST 0 GW_HWNDLAST.. IntPtr GetWindow IntPtr hWnd GetWindow_Cmd uCmd enum GetWindow_Cmd uint GW_HWNDFIRST 0 GW_HWNDLAST 1 GW_HWNDNEXT 2 GW_HWNDPREV..