

c# Programming Glossary: getschema

How to (xml) serialize a uri


Uri o return o null null new XmlUri o public XmlSchema GetSchema return null public void ReadXml XmlReader reader _Value new..

XML serialization of interface property


reader reader.ReadEndElement public XmlSchema GetSchema return null Using this would involve something like in project..

Using CDATA with WCF REST starter kits


Value value public System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema GetSchema return null return xs string as the type in scheme generation..

Syncing SQL Server 2008 Databases over HTTP using WCF & Sync Framework


SyncSession syncSession OperationContract SyncSchema GetSchema Collection string tableNames SyncSession syncSession OperationContract..

XML Serialization and Inherited Types


Members public System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema GetSchema return null this is fine as schema is unknown. public void..

Proper way to implement IXmlSerializable?


and best practices for implementing it I've heard that GetSchema should return null and ReadXml should move to the next element.. List MyEvent _events new List MyEvent public XmlSchema GetSchema return null public void ReadXml XmlReader reader if reader.MoveToContent.. DateTime _start private DateTime _stop public XmlSchema GetSchema return null public void ReadXml XmlReader reader if reader.MoveToContent..

How do I read a Foxpro 8.0 database from c#?


question You can accomplish this through the use of the GetSchema method on the OleDb.Connection class. OleDbConnection connection.. Northwind.dbc connection.Open DataTable tables connection.GetSchema System.Data.OleDb.OleDbMetaDataCollectionNames.Tables foreach.. table_name .ToString DataTable columns connection.GetSchema System.Data.OleDb.OleDbMetaDataCollectionNames.Columns new String..

.NET XML serialization gotchas? [closed]


TValue IXmlSerializable public System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema GetSchema return null public void ReadXml System.Xml.XmlReader reader..