c# Programming Glossary: getresult
HttpClient.GetAsync(…) never returns when using await/async http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10343632/httpclient-getasync-never-returns-when-using-await-async Continuations_GetSomeDataAsync var data task.GetAwaiter .GetResult return data public class Test3Controller BaseApiController summary.. task AsyncAwait_GetSomeDataAsync var data task.GetAwaiter .GetResult return data public class Test6Controller BaseApiController summary.. all the way down. In other words use await instead of GetResult Task.Result and Task.Wait should also be replaced with await..
Replace parameter in lambda expression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11159697/replace-parameter-in-lambda-expression Expression Func int exp foo.a foo.a foo.b string result1 GetResult exp gets v_001 v_001 v_002 List Foo foes new List Foo foes.Add.. Func int exp2 foes.Sum f f.a f.a f.b string result2 GetResult exp2 should get v_001 v_001 v_002 v_003 v_003 v_004 c# lambda..
Await and SynchronizationContext in a managed component hosted by an unmanaged app http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19535147/await-and-synchronizationcontext-in-a-managed-component-hosted-by-an-unmanaged-a
Using jQuery AJAX to call ASP.NET function in control code-behind instead of page code-behind http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3392345/using-jquery-ajax-to-call-asp-net-function-in-control-code-behind-instead-of-pag input .click function .ajax type POST url Default.aspx GetResult data contentType application json charset utf 8 dataType json.. the url property to call the correct function I tried url GetResult but that didn't work. c# asp.net jquery ajax share improve..
Call C# dll function from C++/CLI http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4818136/call-c-sharp-dll-function-from-c-cli Bellow is code public class Calculate public static int GetResult int arg1 int arg2 return arg1 arg2 public static string GetResult.. int arg1 int arg2 return arg1 arg2 public static string GetResult string arg1 string arg2 return arg1 arg2 public static float.. arg1 string arg2 return arg1 arg2 public static float GetResult float arg1 float arg2 return arg1 arg2 public Calculate Now..
C# 5 async CTP: why is internal “state” set to 0 in generated code before EndAwait call? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5027999/c-sharp-5-async-ctp-why-is-internal-state-set-to-0-in-generated-code-before-e returns false for IsCompleted and throws an exception in GetResult . Here's the generated code for MoveNext public void MoveNext.. return else state 0 int result awaiter.GetResult awaiter null returnValue result goto Label_ReturnStatement.. doesn't affect the answer. Think about what happens when GetResult throws its exception. We'll go through the catch block increment..