c# Programming Glossary: getvalues
Show Enum Description Instead of Name http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11439920/show-enum-description-instead-of-name ObjectDataProvider x Key ResidenceOwnershipType MethodName GetValues ObjectType x Type System Enum ObjectDataProvider.MethodParameters.. a lazy example which does work though public static object GetValuesAndDescriptions Type enumType var values Enum.GetValues enumType.. GetValuesAndDescriptions Type enumType var values Enum.GetValues enumType .Cast object var valuesAndDescriptions from value in..
Get an IDataReader from a typed List http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2258310/get-an-idatareader-from-a-typed-list q while r.Read var values new object 4 r.GetValues values Console.WriteLine 0 1 2 3 values using System using.. while r.Read var values new object 2 int count r.GetValues values Assert.AreEqual 2 count values new object 1 count.. Assert.AreEqual 2 count values new object 1 count r.GetValues values Assert.AreEqual 1 count values new object 3 count..
Get the Enum<T> value Description http://stackoverflow.com/questions/297299/get-the-enumt-value-description enumHelper class that contains these public static IList T GetValues IList T list new List T foreach object value in Enum.GetValues.. IList T list new List T foreach object value in Enum.GetValues typeof T list.Add T value return list and public static string.. KeyValuePair T string foreach T value in Enum T .GetValues string Desc Enum T .Description value list.Add new KeyValuePair..
multimap in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/380595/multimap-in-net the values if key was found. returns public HashSet TValue GetValues TKey key bool returnEmptySet HashSet TValue toReturn null if..
How do I atomically swap 2 ints in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3855671/how-do-i-atomically-swap-2-ints-in-c the values of X and Y atomically. summary public void GetValues out int x out int y long current Interlocked.Read ref m_pair..
C# Iterating through an enum? (Indexing a System.Array) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/482729/c-sharp-iterating-through-an-enum-indexing-a-system-array values of all the elements within myEnum Array values Enum.GetValues typeof myEnum Print the names and values to file for int i 0.. share improve this question Array values Enum.GetValues typeof myEnum foreach MyEnum val in values Console.WriteLine.. Enum.GetNames typeof MyEnum MyEnum values MyEnum Enum.GetValues typeof MyEnum for int i 0 i names.Length i print names i values..
What is the fastest way to read data from a DbDataReader? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5758526/what-is-the-fastest-way-to-read-data-from-a-dbdatareader what take all of the time. Replacing them all with reader.GetValues myArray has no impact. val0 dataReader.GetValue 0 val1 dataReader.GetValue.. As the code notes attempting to do it in one shot using GetValues does not make a difference. Is there a way to get the entire..
How to bind an enum to a combobox control in WPF? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6145888/how-to-bind-an-enum-to-a-combobox-control-in-wpf event handler for example yourComboBox.ItemsSource Enum.GetValues typeof EffectStyle .Cast EffectStyle If you need to bind it.. ObjectDataProvider x Key dataFromEnum MethodName GetValues ObjectType x Type System Enum ObjectDataProvider.MethodParameters..
How to Return Generic Dictionary in a WebService http://stackoverflow.com/questions/679050/how-to-return-generic-dictionary-in-a-webservice a Dictionary according to a search Dictionary int string GetValues string search The Web Service compiles fine however when i try..
how to convert NameValueCollection to JSON string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7003740/how-to-convert-namevaluecollection-to-json-string by a comma which may be ok. If not one can always call GetValues and decide what to do with the values appropriately. Updated.. if handleMultipleValuesPerKey string values nvc.GetValues key if values.Length 1 result.Add key values 0 else result.Add..
Can You Loop Through All Enum Values? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/972307/can-you-loop-through-all-enum-values share improve this question Yes you can use the GetValues method var values Enum.GetValues typeof Foos Or the typed version.. Yes you can use the GetValues method var values Enum.GetValues typeof Foos Or the typed version var values Enum.GetValues typeof.. typeof Foos Or the typed version var values Enum.GetValues typeof Foos .Cast Foos I long ago added a helper function to..