

c# Programming Glossary: gettype

Catch multiple Exceptions at once?


switch case statement which does not support switching on GetType . Now there were two answers one using typeof and one using..

Generics in C#, using type of a variable as parameter


How do I use the method in the following way Type t entity.GetType DoesEntityExist t entityGuid transaction I keep receiving the.. you'll need to specify binding flags too MethodInfo method GetType .GetMethod DoesEntityExist .MakeGenericMethod new Type t method.Invoke..

How to get ALL child controls of a Windows Forms form of a specific type (Button/Textbox)?


something like this dim ctrls as Control ctrls Me.Controls GetType TextBox I know I can iterate over all controls getting children.. following Dim Ctrls From ctrl In Me.Controls Where ctrl.GetType Is Textbox c# .net vb.net winforms share improve this question.. ctrl GetAll ctrl type .Concat controls .Where c c.GetType type To test it in the form load event I wanted a count of all..

Double dispatch in C#?


public T Foo T object arg var method from m in GetType .GetMethods where m.Name Foo m.GetParameters .Length 1 arg.GetType.. where m.Name Foo m.GetParameters .Length 1 arg.GetType .IsAssignableFrom m.GetParameters 0 .GetType m.ReturnType.. 1 arg.GetType .IsAssignableFrom m.GetParameters 0 .GetType m.ReturnType typeof T select m return T method.Single .Invoke..

How do I create a real-time Excel automation add-in in C# using RtdServer?


if registrationServices.RegisterAssembly GetType .Assembly AssemblyRegistrationFlags.SetCodeBase Trace.TraceInformation.. if registrationServices.RegisterAssembly GetType .Assembly AssemblyRegistrationFlags.SetCodeBase Trace.TraceInformation.. if registrationServices.UnregisterAssembly GetType .Assembly Trace.TraceInformation Types unregistered successfully..

Why is this switch on type case considered confusing?


on input class type and got stuck at switch input.GetType Quick search led me to Why doesn't C# switch statement allow.. me to Why doesn't C# switch statement allow using typeof GetType with a link to http blogs.msdn.com peterhal archive 2005 07..

C# 'is' operator performance


approach would be to give the base class my own virtual GetType function which returns a pre defined enum value in my case actually..

Using Case/Switch and GetType to determine the object [duplicate]


Case Switch and GetType to determine the object duplicate Possible Duplicate C# Is.. snippet private int GetNodeType NodeDTO node switch node.GetType case typeof CasusNodeDTO return 1 case typeof BucketNodeDTO..

c# - How to iterate through classes fields and set properties


void DynamicallySetPersonProperty MemberInfo members this.GetType .GetMembers foreach MemberInfo member in members.Where a a.Name.. a a.Name _person get the _person field Type type member.GetType PropertyInfo prop type.GetProperty Name good this works now.. new Person public void DynamicallySetPersonProperty var p GetType .GetField person .GetValue this p.GetType .GetProperty Name..

C# LINQ to SQL: Refactoring this Generic GetByID method


T return table.ToList .SingleOrDefault e Convert.ToInt16 e.GetType .GetProperties .First .GetValue e null id Basically it's a method.. convert the table of elements to a list first to execute a GetType on the property but this is not very convenient because all..

Nullable type is not a nullable type?


typeof int Assert.AreEqual nullableType testInt.GetType not the same type This doesn't work either DateTime test new.. DateTime test new DateTime 434523452345 Assert.IsTrue test.GetType typeof Nullable FAIL DateTime test new DateTime 434523452345.. DateTime test new DateTime 434523452345 Assert.IsTrue test.GetType typeof Nullable STILL FAIL My question is why does testInt.GetType..

Embedding an external executable inside a C# program


ExtractResource string resource string path Stream stream GetType .Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream resource byte bytes new..

Why is the C# compiler emitting a callvirt instruction for a GetType() method call?


is the C# compiler emitting a callvirt instruction for a GetType method call I am curious to know why this is happening. Please.. class Program static void Main Object o new Object o.GetType L_0001 newobj instance void mscorlib System.Object .ctor L_0006.. instance class mscorlib System.Type mscorlib System.Object GetType new Object .GetType L_000e newobj instance void mscorlib System.Object..

Type Checking: typeof, GetType, or is?


Checking typeof GetType or is I've seen many people use the following code Type t typeof.. Some code here But I know you could also do this if obj1.GetType typeof int Some code here Or this if obj1 is int Some code here.. takes a type name which you specify at compile time . GetType gets the runtime type of an instance. is returns true if an..