

c# Programming Glossary: gettable

Database does not get updated with Attach method


Context get set public virtual System.Data.Linq.ITable GetTable return Context.GetTable T public virtual void InsertOnSubmit.. virtual System.Data.Linq.ITable GetTable return Context.GetTable T public virtual void InsertOnSubmit T entity GetTable .InsertOnSubmit.. T public virtual void InsertOnSubmit T entity GetTable .InsertOnSubmit entity public virtual void UpdateChangesByAttach..

Default Values (of C# variables) Issue in LINQ to SQL Update


GetOriginalEntityState cause any bug Is it unnecessary if GetTable .GetOriginalEntityState entity null If it is not already attached.. entity null If it is not already attached Context.GetTable T .Attach entity Context.Refresh System.Data.Linq.RefreshMode.KeepCurrentValues..

Get Stored Procedure from Data Context : Linq to SQl


stored procedure from within the repository layer. Unlike GetTable method we don ™t have a GetStoredProcedure method for data context... DBML_Project.BankAccount queryResultEntities Context.GetTable DBML_Project.BankAccount .Where p p.AccountOwnerID userID return..

LINQ: Passing lambda expression as parameter to be executed and returned by method


Func T bool predicate ... do your stuff eg Table T t GetTable T return t.Where predicate or public IEnumerable T ExecuteInContext.. x.SomeProp.Equals Somevalue or var r repo.ExecuteInContext GetTable T x x.SomeProp.Equals Somevalue Assumptions Table can be derived..

C# LINQ to SQL: Refactoring this Generic GetByID method


T GetByID int id var dbcontext DB var table dbcontext.GetTable T return table.ToList .SingleOrDefault e Convert.ToInt16 e.GetType.. DataContext. The method gets the table from the type of T GetTable and checks for the first property always being the ID to the.. T GetByID int id var dbcontext DB var table dbcontext.GetTable T return table.SingleOrDefault e e.ID.Equals id The exception..