c# Programming Glossary: getusers
Entity Framework CodeFirst delay experienced http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15507067/entity-framework-codefirst-delay-experienced lastNameNew context.SaveChanges public IList UserModel GetUsers using var context new CodeFirstMySQLEntities return context.Set..
Virtual Navigation Properties and Multi-Tenancy http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19826316/virtual-navigation-properties-and-multi-tenancy injects _dbContext and _tenantId public IQueryable User GetUsers var user _dbContext.Users.Where u u.TenantId _tenantId .Select..
Linq Contains method for a object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3293618/linq-contains-method-for-a-object comparing the user by it's ID. An example IList User users GetUsers 1 2 3 IEnumerable User list GetList 2 5 8 this doesn't work..
Why can't my operation contracts in my wcf client take interfaces as parameters? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3720474/why-cant-my-operation-contracts-in-my-wcf-client-take-interfaces-as-parameters ClientUser clientUser OperationContract List ClientUser GetUsers If I replace ClientUser with IClientUser the WCF Test Client.. the type System.Object. If I replace the return value of GetUsers with List it says that this operation is not supported because..
Differences between IQueryable, List, IEnumerator? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4844660/differences-between-iqueryable-list-ienumerator to sql I would do something like this public List User GetUsers return db.User.where some query here .ToList now I am wondering..