c# Programming Glossary: ghsubkey
How to embed multilanguage *.resx (or *.resources) files in single EXE? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1793256/how-to-embed-multilanguage-resx-or-resources-files-in-single-exe
How to apply Windows group policy using .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2266797/how-to-apply-windows-group-policy-using-net szkeyValue DWORD dwkeyValue CoInitialize NULL HKEY ghKey ghSubKey hSubKey LPDWORD flag NULL IGroupPolicyObject pGPO NULL HRESULT.. ghKey subKey 0 NULL REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE KEY_WRITE NULL ghSubKey flag ERROR_SUCCESS RegCloseKey ghKey MessageBox NULL L Cannot.. return false if dwType REG_SZ if RegSetValueEx ghSubKey valueName 0 dwType szkeyValue strlen char szkeyValue 1 ERROR_SUCCESS..