c# Programming Glossary: getproperty
How to invoke scripts work in msHTML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15273311/how-to-invoke-scripts-work-in-mshtml Using .NET reflection object htmlWindowObject GetProperty axWebBrowser.Document parentWindow call a global JavaScript.. 'Continue ' MessageBox.Show result.ToString static object GetProperty object callee string property return callee.GetType .InvokeMember.. .InvokeMember property BindingFlags.Instance BindingFlags.GetProperty BindingFlags.Public null callee new Object static object InvokeScript..
How to sort databound DataGridView column? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1699642/how-to-sort-databound-datagridview-column prop object key PropertyInfo propInfo typeof T .GetProperty prop.Name T item if key null for int i 0 i Count i item T.. position this.Find LastName unsortedItems i .GetType . GetProperty LastName .GetValue unsortedItems i null if position 0 position..
C# Developing .Net3.5 using reflection to get/set values to nested properties and/or nested fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19936888/c-sharp-developing-net3-5-using-reflection-to-get-set-values-to-nested-properti property in the class PropertyInfo pi baseClass.GetType .GetProperty fieldProperty Now my proplem issue is RecordBlock3_class How.. System.Reflection.PropertyInfo pi baseClass.GetType .GetProperty fieldProperty if pi.PropertyType.IsArray Type elementType pi.PropertyType.GetElementType.. System.Reflection.PropertyInfo pi2 elementType.GetProperty Color Based on that you can write simple yet more generic function..
How can I get the name of a C# static class property using reflection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3536228/how-can-i-get-the-name-of-a-c-sharp-static-class-property-using-reflection tree into a PropertyInfo object public static PropertyInfo GetProperty Expression Func string expr var member expr.Body as MemberExpression.. Expression Func string propertyExpression var p GetProperty propertyExpression _javaScriptTokens.Add p.Name string p.GetValue..
C# Active Directory: Get domain name of user? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4249139/c-sharp-active-directory-get-domain-name-of-user rs searcher.FindAll if rs null domain GetProperty rs 0 nETBIOSName catch Exception ex return domain c# active..
parse and execute JS by C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4744105/parse-and-execute-js-by-c-sharp private interface IActiveScriptProperty PreserveSig int GetProperty int dwProperty IntPtr pvarIndex out object pvarValue PreserveSig.. scriptProperty null return new Version 1 0 0 0 int major GetProperty scriptProperty SCRIPTPROP_MAJORVERSION 0 int minor GetProperty.. scriptProperty SCRIPTPROP_MAJORVERSION 0 int minor GetProperty scriptProperty SCRIPTPROP_MINORVERSION 0 int revision GetProperty..
How to get the PropertyInfo of a specific property? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/491429/how-to-get-the-propertyinfo-of-a-specific-property static void Main PropertyInfo prop PropertyHelper Foo .GetProperty x x.Bar public static class PropertyHelper T public static PropertyInfo.. static class PropertyHelper T public static PropertyInfo GetProperty TValue Expression Func T TValue selector Expression body selector..
Get value of c# dynamic property via string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4939508/get-value-of-c-sharp-dynamic-property-via-string and reflection. The closest I've come is this d.GetType .GetProperty value2 ... but I don't know how to get the actual value from.. this question Once you have your PropertyInfo from GetProperty you need to call GetValue and pass in the instance that you..
C# - How to access internal class from external assembly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/920844/c-sharp-how-to-access-internal-class-from-external-assembly a property not a field string value string obj.GetType .GetProperty test .GetValue obj null If it is non public you'll need to use.. you'll need to use the BindingFlags overload of GetField GetProperty . Important aside be careful with reflection like this the implementation..