

c# Programming Glossary: getpixel

How can I iterate through each pixel in a .gif image?


a complete example with both methods using LockBits and GetPixel . Besides the trust issues with LockBits things can easily get.. x bmp.Width x for int y 0 y bmp.Height y Color clr bmp.GetPixel x y int red clr.R int green clr.G int blue clr.B Console.WriteLine.. of this calculation int position y bmpData.Stride x Image.GetPixelFormatSize bmpData.Pixelformat 8 blue rgbValues position green..

What's the best way to enter numbers in Windows Mobile? (.NET CF 3.5)


be of COLOR_WINDOW_TEXT IntPtr hDC GetDC hWnd int pixel GetPixel hDC 2 2 Notice that we cannot simply compare the color to the.. 16 SetPixel hDC 2 2 clrText int pixelNew GetPixel hDC 2 2 Restore the original pixel SetPixel hDC 2 2 pixel if.. be of COLOR_WINDOW_TEXT IntPtr hDC GetDC hWnd int pixel GetPixel hDC 2 2 Notice that we cannot simply compare the color to the..

How to manipulate images at pixel level in C#?


by Bob Powell. If you just want to edit a few then GetPixel SetPixel should do what you want. share improve this answer..

Adjust the contrast of an image in C# efficiently


that show how to use LockBits. Bitmap.SetPixel and Bitmap.GetPixel are the slowest methods known to mankind and they both utilize.. class known to mankind. They should have been named Bitmap.GetPixelAndByGodYoullBeSorryYouDid and Bitmap.SetPixelWhileGettingCoffee.. Build Properties tab for the project . One of the reasons GetPixel and SetPixel are so slow for pixel by pixel operations is that..

How to change color of Image at runtime


int x 0 x bmp.Width x for int y 0 y bmp.Height y if bmp.GetPixel x y Color.Red bmp.SetPixel x y Color.Blue pictureBox1.Image.. bmp.SetPixel x y Color.Blue pictureBox1.Image bmp Warning GetPixel and SetPixel are incredibly slow. If your images are large and..

License Plate Recognition - Determining Color Range For Pixel Comparison


need a range to compare to for example if FindIfYellow GetPixel x y However I don't know if to use RGB values specifically individual..

How to compare a Color by the GetPixel Method and a Color passed in a method like Color.Black?


to compare a Color by the GetPixel Method and a Color passed in a method like Color.Black I have.. that synthesize the two colors don't match. Example With GetPixel Name ff000000 ARGB 255 0 0 0 Color.Black Name Black ARGB 255..

How do I get the colour of a pixel at X,Y using c#?


hwnd IntPtr hdc DllImport gdi32.dll static extern uint GetPixel IntPtr hdc int nXPos int nYPos static public System.Drawing.Color.. hdc int nXPos int nYPos static public System.Drawing.Color GetPixelColor int x int y IntPtr hdc GetDC IntPtr.Zero uint pixel GetPixel.. int x int y IntPtr hdc GetDC IntPtr.Zero uint pixel GetPixel hdc x y ReleaseDC IntPtr.Zero hdc Color color Color.FromArgb..