c# Programming Glossary: getmultipliedin
400 Bad Request Exception: Simple SOAP WCF service with small data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12410947/400-bad-request-exception-simple-soap-wcf-service-with-small-data multiplyservice data v1 xsd schema types message name getMultipliedIn wsdl documentation xmlns wsdl http schemas.xmlsoap.org wsdl.. xmlns wsdl http schemas.xmlsoap.org wsdl input message tns getMultipliedIn output message tns getMultipliedOut operation portType binding.. soapAction urn lijo demos multiplyservice calculation v1 getMultipliedIn style document input soap body use literal input output soap..
One WCF service ??two clients; One client does not work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12420314/one-wcf-service-two-clients-one-client-does-not-work 2 Action urn lijo demos multiplyservice calculation v1 getMultipliedIn ReplyAction Trace Message The message with Action 'urn lijo.. with Action 'urn lijo demos multiplyservice calculation v1 getMultipliedIn' cannot be processed at the receiver due to a ContractFilter.. multiplyservice data v1 xsd schema types message name getMultipliedIn wsdl documentation xmlns wsdl http schemas.xmlsoap.org wsdl..