c# Programming Glossary: getstream
TDD and Mocking out TcpClient http://stackoverflow.com/questions/150341/tdd-and-mocking-out-tcpclient something like this public interface ITcpClient Stream GetStream Anything you need here public TcpClientAdapter ITcpClient private..
C#: No implicit conversion between 'lambda expression' and 'lambda expression'? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/564935/c-no-implicit-conversion-between-lambda-expression-and-lambda-expression that produces it protected override Func System.IO.Stream GetStream return someBool EmbeddedResourceExtractor.GetFile SomeFile1.ext.. This does not protected override Func System.IO.Stream GetStream return EmbeddedResourceExtractor.GetFile SomeFile1.ext And.. neither do this protected override Func System.IO.Stream GetStream if someBool return EmbeddedResourceExtractor.GetFile SomeFile1.ext..
How to Hide gif or mp3 files in my project? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/773718/how-to-hide-gif-or-mp3-files-in-my-project translate linq to for each using System.IO public Stream GetStream string fileName assume we want a resource from the same that.. Multiple matches found. return names 0 var mp3Stream GetStream startup sound.mp3 var mp3 new MyMp3Class mp3stream some player..