c# Programming Glossary: getobjectdata
Serialization breaks in .NET 4.5 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14689305/serialization-breaks-in-net-4-5 info param param name context context param public void GetObjectData SerializationInfo info StreamingContext context parent fields..
Where are CLR-defined methods like [delegate].BeginInvoke documented? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14961450/where-are-clr-defined-methods-like-delegate-begininvoke-documented that my delegate has not. Also my delegate gets a GetObjectData method. And this seems to come from ISerializable. So in conclusion.. MulticastDelegate and Delegate. Like DynamicInvoke and GetObjectData . Asynchronous calls are the tricky ones and you rarely need..
Comparing structs to null [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2022425/comparing-structs-to-null ISerializable #region ISerializable Members public void GetObjectData SerializationInfo info StreamingContext context throw new NotImplementedException..
What's the difference between using the Serializable attribute & implementing ISerializable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2365152/whats-the-difference-between-using-the-serializable-attribute-implementing-is gets overridden with a custom version by overriding GetObjectData and SetObjectData and by providing a constructor of the form..
Get the property, as a string, from an Expression<Func<TModel,TProperty>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2789504/get-the-property-as-a-string-from-an-expressionfunctmodel-tproperty for this serialization. param public void GetObjectData SerializationInfo info StreamingContext context Just stick..
Serializing anonymous delegates in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/321827/serializing-anonymous-delegates-in-c-sharp ISerializationSurrogate public void GetObjectData object obj SerializationInfo info StreamingContext context ..
C# JSON Serialization of Dictionary into {key:value, …} instead of {key:key, value:value, …} http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4861138/c-sharp-json-serialization-of-dictionary-into-keyvalue-instead-of-keyk context throw new NotImplementedException public void GetObjectData SerializationInfo info StreamingContext context foreach K key..
.NET 4, AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers attribute, and security markings like SecurityCritical http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5055632/net-4-allowpartiallytrustedcallers-attribute-and-security-markings-like-secur in numerous security exceptions. Moq has a a single method GetObjectData that's marked with the SecurityCritical attribute. AutofacContrib.Moq.. that call SecurityCritical code e.g. stuff that references GetObjectData with SecuritySafeCritical so your SecurityTransparent code can.. some automated tips. Looking at the Moq trunk a search for GetObjectData shows that the method in question is the override for an exception..
XML Serialize dynamic object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7501846/xml-serialize-dynamic-object dictionary binder.Name value return true public void GetObjectData SerializationInfo info StreamingContext context foreach var..
Make ASP.NET WCF convert dictionary to JSON, omitting “Key” & “Value” tags http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7590088/make-asp-net-wcf-convert-dictionary-to-json-omitting-key-value-tags what you want. See example below and pay attention to the GetObjectData method. Serializable public class AjaxDictionary TKey TValue.. key TValue value _Dictionary.Add key value public void GetObjectData SerializationInfo info StreamingContext context foreach TKey..