c# Programming Glossary: getpage
Characters in string changed after downloading HTML from the internet http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2700638/characters-in-string-changed-after-downloading-html-from-the-internet to decode it correctly. Instantiate the class and call GetPage . public class HttpDownloader private readonly string _referer.. uri _userAgent userAgent _referer referer public string GetPage HttpWebRequest request HttpWebRequest WebRequest.Create Url..
C# HttpWebRequest times out after two server 500 errors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4033159/c-sharp-httpwebrequest-times-out-after-two-server-500-errors errors and then starts timing out again. This is my code GetPages GetPages new GetPages string test GetPages.GetPage Exception.. and then starts timing out again. This is my code GetPages GetPages new GetPages string test GetPages.GetPage Exception 500 Internal.. timing out again. This is my code GetPages GetPages new GetPages string test GetPages.GetPage Exception 500 Internal Server..
How to Download the File using HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse class(Cookies,Credentials,etc.) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4699938/how-to-download-the-file-using-httpwebrequest-and-httpwebresponse-classcookies The other method gets the file from server string GetPage string path HttpWebRequest req HttpWebRequest WebRequest.Create..
How do I do Print Preview when using a DocumentPaginator to print? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/584551/how-do-i-do-print-preview-when-using-a-documentpaginator-to-print int rows this.rows rows public override DocumentPage GetPage int pageNumber int currentRow rowsPerPage pageNumber int rowsToPrint..
Printing BlockUIContainer to XpsDocument/FixedDocument http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9447338/printing-blockuicontainer-to-xpsdocument-fixeddocument there as by the time it starts paginating the document in GetPage int pageNumber everything has already been converted a Visual..