android Programming Glossary: super.ondestroyview
Further understanding setRetainInstance(true) this onViewCreated @Override public void onDestroyView super.onDestroyView Log.d TAG this onDestroyView @Override public void onDetach..
MapFragment in Action Bar Tabs fragment class again @Override public void onDestroyView super.onDestroyView MapFragment f MapFragment getFragmentManager .findFragmentById..
Android - SupportMapFragment with GoogleMaps API 2.0 giving IllegalArgumentException know if it is a proper solution. public void onDestroyView super.onDestroyView Fragment fragment getFragmentManager .findFragmentById
How to put Google Maps V2 on a Fragment Using ViewPager then app will crash @Override public void onDestroyView super.onDestroyView if mMap null MainActivity.fragmentManager.beginTransaction .remove..
ExpandableListFragment with LoaderManager for Compatibility Package mHandler.removeCallbacks mRequestFocus mList null super.onDestroyView This method will be called when an item in the list is selected...
Fragments, DialogFragment, and Screen Rotation getRetainInstance getDialog .setOnDismissListener null super.onDestroyView I also suggest setting your dialogfragment as retained so it..
MapView inside Fragment - specified child already has a parent mapView @Override public void onDestroyView super.onDestroyView mapContainer.removeView mapView In theory this should all work..
Video blinks once on onCreate of previous fragment true return container @Override public void onDestroyView super.onDestroyView imgview.setImageBitmap null bitmap.clear bitmap null Fragment1.unbindDrawables..
Further understanding setRetainInstance(true) super.onViewCreated view savedInstanceState Log.d TAG this onViewCreated @Override public void onDestroyView super.onDestroyView Log.d TAG this onDestroyView @Override public void onDetach super.onDetach Log.d TAG this onDetach @Override public..
MapFragment in Action Bar Tabs so that it can be recreated when the map tab loads your fragment class again @Override public void onDestroyView super.onDestroyView MapFragment f MapFragment getFragmentManager .findFragmentById if f null getFragmentManager .beginTransaction .remove..
Android - SupportMapFragment with GoogleMaps API 2.0 giving IllegalArgumentException if you delete all nested fragments in onDestroyView . Don't know if it is a proper solution. public void onDestroyView super.onDestroyView Fragment fragment getFragmentManager .findFragmentById FragmentTransaction ft getActivity .getSupportFragmentManager..
How to put Google Maps V2 on a Fragment Using ViewPager or else if the same it is passed on the next time then app will crash @Override public void onDestroyView super.onDestroyView if mMap null MainActivity.fragmentManager.beginTransaction .remove MainActivity.fragmentManager.findFragmentById
ExpandableListFragment with LoaderManager for Compatibility Package Detach from list view. @Override public void onDestroyView mHandler.removeCallbacks mRequestFocus mList null super.onDestroyView This method will be called when an item in the list is selected. Subclasses should override. Subclasses can call getListView..
Fragments, DialogFragment, and Screen Rotation @Override public void onDestroyView if getDialog null getRetainInstance getDialog .setOnDismissListener null super.onDestroyView I also suggest setting your dialogfragment as retained so it won't get dismissed after the rotation. Put setRetainInstance..
MapView inside Fragment - specified child already has a parent true mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls true mapContainer.addView mapView @Override public void onDestroyView super.onDestroyView mapContainer.removeView mapView In theory this should all work the same way as the new FrameLayout method first described...
Video blinks once on onCreate of previous fragment PATH if bitmap null imgview.setImageBitmapReset bitmap.get true return container @Override public void onDestroyView super.onDestroyView imgview.setImageBitmap null bitmap.clear bitmap null Fragment1.unbindDrawables con.findViewById System.gc I am..