android Programming Glossary: suggests
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue to be addressed. The other answer in this thread that suggests disabling SSO is very bad and will open up your app to malicious..
Android Facebook SDK 3.0 gives “remote_app_id does not match stored id” while logging in using the first previous command line as facebook tutorial suggests. For more information about signing your application visit Signing..
Android SQLite and huge data sets only supports 1MB of data which is what the error message suggests more directly. If there is a logical way to divide your queries..
Duplicate ID, tag null, or parent id with another fragment for share improve this question The answer Matt suggests works but it cause the map to be recreated and redrawn which..
Using VideoView for streaming or progressive-download video in VideoViewDemo in the API samples The VideoViewDemo code suggests using setVideoURI for streaming but I'm not clear what kind.. MediaPlayer and a SurfaceView . The VideoViewDemo code suggests using setVideoURI for streaming but I'm not clear what kind..
How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP? on Google Play that automate this process a quick search suggests adbWireless WiFi ADB and ADB WiFi . All of these require root..
Developing for Android in Eclipse: not generating file share improve this question This site suggests if you run a clean on the project it should regenerate all the.. The Clean... option is also there under Project. This site suggests another solution. It seems to be a common issue with many different..
Android: Using linear gradient as background looks banded shape share improve this question As Romain Guy suggests listView.getBackground .setDither true solves my problem If..
What is Context in Android? share improve this question Putting it simply As the name suggests its the context of current state of the application object...
Android AudioRecord class - process live mic audio quickly, set up callback function which is defined as an interface. The information suggests that somehow you specify the period you want for being notified..
Android and XMPP: Currently available solutions too hasn't been updated for quite some time as the site suggests . Do you have any other suggestions or can you explain why I..
Technical details of Android Garbage Collector collector type does Android use Google Groups Discussion suggests that it is using tracing mechanism but I'd appreciate a more.. to utilize multiple processors Android Devevelopers Guide suggests that Android 3.0 is the first version of the platform designed..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime correctly. The existence of Bitmap.getNinePatchChunk suggests that BitmapFactory might you could go look it up in the upstream..
Fragments within Fragments . Can someone tell me if this is possible this answer suggests it isn't or is it a bug android android fragments share improve..
Android Process Scheduling are those hosting œvisible Activities. As the name suggests visible Activities are visible but they aren ™t in the foreground..
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue I work at Facebook and this is an important issue that needs to be addressed. The other answer in this thread that suggests disabling SSO is very bad and will open up your app to malicious apps that can steal your user's Facebook credentials. The..
Android Facebook SDK 3.0 gives “remote_app_id does not match stored id” while logging in
Android SQLite and huge data sets in the heap that is not out of the question. CursorWindow only supports 1MB of data which is what the error message suggests more directly. If there is a logical way to divide your queries into discrete chunks you could do incremental queries and..
Duplicate ID, tag null, or parent id with another fragment for more android android fragments android maps illegalargumentexception share improve this question The answer Matt suggests works but it cause the map to be recreated and redrawn which isn't always desirable. After lots of trial and error I found..
Using VideoView for streaming or progressive-download video by streaming simply by using setVideoPath or setVideoURI as in VideoViewDemo in the API samples The VideoViewDemo code suggests using setVideoURI for streaming but I'm not clear what kind of URL I should be using. Does someone have an example URL for.. MediaPlayer and VideoView is just a ~200 line wrapper around MediaPlayer and a SurfaceView . The VideoViewDemo code suggests using setVideoURI for streaming but I'm not clear what kind of URL I should be using. http and rtsp can work if the video..
How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP? usb Apps to Automate the Process There are also several apps on Google Play that automate this process a quick search suggests adbWireless WiFi ADB and ADB WiFi . All of these require root access but adbWireless requires fewer permissions. share..
Developing for Android in Eclipse: not generating reason the plugin is not regenerating the file. android eclipse file share improve this question This site suggests if you run a clean on the project it should regenerate all the generated java files namely R. ...and... In Eclipse under.. you build the file everytime modifications are made. The Clean... option is also there under Project. This site suggests another solution. It seems to be a common issue with many different answers readily available through google share improve..
Android: Using linear gradient as background looks banded too. Is there any way to reduce this behaviour android gradient shape share improve this question As Romain Guy suggests listView.getBackground .setDither true solves my problem If this is not enough especially for AMOLED and or hdpi devices..
What is Context in Android? unable to understand it clearly. android android context share improve this question Putting it simply As the name suggests its the context of current state of the application object. It lets newly created objects understand what has been going..
Android AudioRecord class - process live mic audio quickly, set up callback function class has a nested class named OnRecordPositionUpdateListener which is defined as an interface. The information suggests that somehow you specify the period you want for being notified of the progress of the recording and the name of your event..
Android and XMPP: Currently available solutions own patched version of aSMACK. Finally there's aSMACK but that too hasn't been updated for quite some time as the site suggests . Do you have any other suggestions or can you explain why I should choose one of the above over the rest android xmpp..
Technical details of Android Garbage Collector on the various mechanisms. In specific e.g. which garbage collector type does Android use Google Groups Discussion suggests that it is using tracing mechanism but I'd appreciate a more official source which I could possibly quote plus hoping to.. GC in Android 3.0 Honeycomb has been tweaked specifically to utilize multiple processors Android Devevelopers Guide suggests that Android 3.0 is the first version of the platform designed to run on either single or multicore processor architectures...
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime these png files so it may or may not be treating the image stream correctly. The existence of Bitmap.getNinePatchChunk suggests that BitmapFactory might you could go look it up in the upstream codebase. In the event that it does not know about the..
Fragments within Fragments new one is added in my mind that means it hasn't been replaced . Can someone tell me if this is possible this answer suggests it isn't or is it a bug android android fragments share improve this question Nested fragments are not currently supported...
Android Process Scheduling event handler. Visible Processes Visible but inactive processes are those hosting œvisible Activities. As the name suggests visible Activities are visible but they aren ™t in the foreground or responding to user events. This happens when an Activity..