android Programming Glossary: super.onchange
how to listen for changes in Contact Database null @Override public void onChange boolean selfChange super.onChange selfChange System.out.println Calling onChange MyContentObserver.. null @Override public void onChange boolean selfChange super.onChange selfChange MyContentObserver contentObserver new MyContentObserver..
Observing changes in android content observer for Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI boolean selfChange TODO Auto generated method stub super.onChange selfChange Log.d INSTANT GETTING CHANGES This is the code for..
Crash in ListView at AbsListView.obtainView for ListActivity false @Override public void onChange boolean selfChange super.onChange selfChange ContentResolver cr getContentResolver mAdapter.changeCursor..
Android - Querying the SMS ContentProvider? return false @Override public void onChange boolean arg0 super.onChange arg0 Log.v SMS Notification on SMS observer Message msg new..
Detecting new MMS (Android 2.1) false @Override public void onChange boolean selfChange super.onChange selfChange However onChange is not getting called. What am..
How to implement a ContentObserver for call logs
Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database LOG_TAG RatedCallsContentObserver.onChange selfChange super.onChange selfChange fillList onStop private void fillList db openHelper.getWritableDatabase.. LOG_TAG RatedCallsContentObserver.onChange selfChange super.onChange selfChange fillList private void fillList String lastDate cdh.selectDate..
Detecting MMS messages on Android sendBroadcast mIntent mmsNotify.start super.onChange selfChange Called when the activity is first created. @Override..
Block outgoing SMS by contentObserver method stub try System.out.println Calling onChange new super.onChange selfChange Cursor sms_sent_cursor SMSObserver4.this.managedQuery..
get SMS number at outgoing time by contentObserver boolean selfChange try startManagingCursor c super.onChange selfChange System.out.println body System.out.println number..
Listen to outgoing SMS or sent box handler @Override public void onChange boolean selfChange super.onChange selfChange save the message to the SD card here So how exactly..
I want read call logs in the android [duplicate] .toString public void onChange boolean selfChange super.onChange selfChange Log.d PhoneService StringsContentObserver.onChange..
How do I make my Android ContentObserver for ContactsContract detect a added, updated or deleted contact? @Override public void onChange boolean selfChange super.onChange selfChange Bundle data null Message message mHandler.obtainMessage.. null @Override public void onChange boolean selfChange super.onChange selfChange Since onChange do not sent which user have been changed..
Android - Is there a broadcast action for volume changes? @Override public void onChange boolean selfChange super.onChange selfChange Log.v LOG_TAG Settings change detected updateStuff..
Android: Detect SMS Outgoing, Incorrect Count super handler public void onChange boolean selfChange super.onChange selfChange Log.v SMSTEST HIT ON CHANGE Uri uriSMSURI Uri.parse..
Sms ContentObserver onChange() fires multiple times @Override public void onChange boolean selfChange super.onChange selfChange querySMS protected void querySMS Cursor cur getContentResolver..
Practical way to find out if SMS has been sent @Override public void onChange boolean selfChange super.onChange bSelfChange Uri uriSMSURI Uri.parse content sms Cursor cur..
how to listen for changes in Contact Database extends ContentObserver public MyContentObserver super null @Override public void onChange boolean selfChange super.onChange selfChange System.out.println Calling onChange MyContentObserver contentObserver new MyContentObserver context.getContentResolver.. extends ContentObserver public MyContentObserver super null @Override public void onChange boolean selfChange super.onChange selfChange MyContentObserver contentObserver new MyContentObserver So you must be doing something else wrong. Are you making..
Observing changes in android content observer for Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI TODO Auto generated constructor stub @Override public void onChange boolean selfChange TODO Auto generated method stub super.onChange selfChange Log.d INSTANT GETTING CHANGES This is the code for registration for it UriObserver observer new UriObserver..
Crash in ListView at AbsListView.obtainView for ListActivity @Override public boolean deliverSelfNotifications return false @Override public void onChange boolean selfChange super.onChange selfChange ContentResolver cr getContentResolver mAdapter.changeCursor cr.query TrackHeader.CONTENT_URI sTrackListProjection..
Android - Querying the SMS ContentProvider? handler @Override public boolean deliverSelfNotifications return false @Override public void onChange boolean arg0 super.onChange arg0 Log.v SMS Notification on SMS observer Message msg new Message msg.obj xxxxxxxxxx handler.sendMessage msg Uri uriSMSURI..
Detecting new MMS (Android 2.1) h @Override public boolean deliverSelfNotifications return false @Override public void onChange boolean selfChange super.onChange selfChange However onChange is not getting called. What am I missing Thanks in advance. android mms share improve this..
How to implement a ContentObserver for call logs
Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database true @Override public void onChange boolean selfChange Log.d LOG_TAG RatedCallsContentObserver.onChange selfChange super.onChange selfChange fillList onStop private void fillList db openHelper.getWritableDatabase cdh new CallDataHelper this String lastDate.. true @Override public void onChange boolean selfChange Log.d LOG_TAG RatedCallsContentObserver.onChange selfChange super.onChange selfChange fillList private void fillList String lastDate cdh.selectDate Cursor cursor getContentResolver .query android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI..
Detecting MMS messages on Android public void run Intent mIntent new Intent MMSMON_RECEIVED_SMS sendBroadcast mIntent mmsNotify.start super.onChange selfChange Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate..
Block outgoing SMS by contentObserver void onChange boolean selfChange TODO Auto generated method stub try System.out.println Calling onChange new super.onChange selfChange Cursor sms_sent_cursor SMSObserver4.this.managedQuery Uri .parse content sms null type new String 2 null..
get SMS number at outgoing time by contentObserver Handler handler super handler @Override public void onChange boolean selfChange try startManagingCursor c super.onChange selfChange System.out.println body System.out.println number Cursor sms_sent_cursor SMSOberver5.this.managedQuery Uri..
Listen to outgoing SMS or sent box ContentObserver public YourObserver Handler handler super handler @Override public void onChange boolean selfChange super.onChange selfChange save the message to the SD card here So how exactly do you get the content of the SMS You must use a Cursor save..
I want read call logs in the android [duplicate] c.getString 4 Call to number number registered at new Date dialed .toString public void onChange boolean selfChange super.onChange selfChange Log.d PhoneService StringsContentObserver.onChange selfChange logCallLog 2. Register observer Uri mediaUri..
How do I make my Android ContentObserver for ContactsContract detect a added, updated or deleted contact? mNativeContactsObserver new ContentObserver mHandler @Override public void onChange boolean selfChange super.onChange selfChange Bundle data null Message message mHandler.obtainMessage if message null data message.getData if data null.. extends ContentObserver public ContactObserver super null @Override public void onChange boolean selfChange super.onChange selfChange Since onChange do not sent which user have been changed you have to figure out how to match it with your data...
Android - Is there a broadcast action for volume changes? deliverSelfNotifications return super.deliverSelfNotifications @Override public void onChange boolean selfChange super.onChange selfChange Log.v LOG_TAG Settings change detected updateStuff And be sure to unregister the content observer at some point...
Android: Detect SMS Outgoing, Incorrect Count 0 String lastMessage null public SMSObserver Handler handler super handler public void onChange boolean selfChange super.onChange selfChange Log.v SMSTEST HIT ON CHANGE Uri uriSMSURI Uri.parse content sms Cursor cur getContentResolver .query uriSMSURI..
Sms ContentObserver onChange() fires multiple times this is a common issue but not one that I've seen answered anywhere. @Override public void onChange boolean selfChange super.onChange selfChange querySMS protected void querySMS Cursor cur getContentResolver .query u null null null null cur.moveToNext this..
Practical way to find out if SMS has been sent SMSObserver SMSLogger handler super handler m_handler handler @Override public void onChange boolean selfChange super.onChange bSelfChange Uri uriSMSURI Uri.parse content sms Cursor cur this.getContentResolver .query uriSMSURI null null null null..