android Programming Glossary: summarize
Navigation Drawer (Google+ vs. YouTube) in the Google I O talk titled Navigation in Android . To summarize their answer as of the date of this posting the slide out navigation..
How to increase storage for Android Emulator? (INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE) I found the answer so here it is for future reference To summarize and clarify in Eclipse go to Debug Configurations . You can..
Is the Android Browser capable of performing an xsl transform? share improve this question See Android issue 9312 To summarize Android browser does not support XSLT client side until 2.1...
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] creator solution GraphView Java Charts for Android Just to summarize his solution involved using a JavaScript library flot built..
Layout problem with button margin like this even spce between buttons square buttons To summarize this I have to describe button in xml dynamically generate N..
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) NFC controller with the embedded secure element. Upate To summarize I answer Sten's questions Since the Mifare 4K area has default..
Rotating an ImageView like a compass (with the “north pole” set elsewhere) of where we calculate the real rotation. But first i will summarize what type of values we have now and explaining what they really..
What is the difference between getWidth/heigth() and getMeasuredWidth/Heigth() in Android SDK? use the measuredWidth height outside onLayout method. to summarize . onMeasure sets up measuredWidth height onLayout sets up the..
Causing OutOfMemoryError in Frame by Frame Animation in Android changes and chop up your bitmaps to account for that. To summarize you need to find a way to draw your animation using less memory...
Slide Toggle for Android I meant by iOS Slide Toggle is UISwitch Edit2 Just want to summarize the answer. Commonsware provided the clue. I ended up back porting..
How to attach javadoc or sources to jars in libs folder? this question The best way to answer your question is to summarize the answers from Xavier plastiv VinceFR and Christopher . Step..
Navigation Drawer (Google+ vs. YouTube) Powell and Richard Fulcher talk about this at 49 47 52 50 in the Google I O talk titled Navigation in Android . To summarize their answer as of the date of this posting the slide out navigation menu is not officially part of the Android application..
How to increase storage for Android Emulator? (INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE) question and was unsatisfied with the above answers. But then I found the answer so here it is for future reference To summarize and clarify in Eclipse go to Debug Configurations . You can find that in the drop down under the debug icon. Select target..
Is the Android Browser capable of performing an xsl transform?
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] with several others that exist now. rapidandroid question creator solution GraphView Java Charts for Android Just to summarize his solution involved using a JavaScript library flot built on top of jQuery. This library was then included in an HTML..
Layout problem with button margin 1 Well layout always ends up like this Instead of something like this even spce between buttons square buttons To summarize this I have to describe button in xml dynamically generate N buttons add properties of described button to dynamically created..
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) NFC WI is already used in the Nexus S to interconnect the NFC controller with the embedded secure element. Upate To summarize I answer Sten's questions Since the Mifare 4K area has default keys anybody with the external NFC reader can change the..
Rotating an ImageView like a compass (with the “north pole” set elsewhere) line azimuth azimuth 360 We will now continue to the point of where we calculate the real rotation. But first i will summarize what type of values we have now and explaining what they really are bearTo The angle from true north to the destination..
What is the difference between getWidth/heigth() and getMeasuredWidth/Heigth() in Android SDK? than the measured width height. I would suggest not to use the measuredWidth height outside onLayout method. to summarize . onMeasure sets up measuredWidth height onLayout sets up the width height of the widget. additionallly public void View.layout..
Causing OutOfMemoryError in Frame by Frame Animation in Android could be to animate only the portion that actually changes and chop up your bitmaps to account for that. To summarize you need to find a way to draw your animation using less memory. There are many options but it depends a lot on how your..
Slide Toggle for Android to the wonderful stackoverflow community. Edit1 What I meant by iOS Slide Toggle is UISwitch Edit2 Just want to summarize the answer. Commonsware provided the clue. I ended up back porting the Switch code from 4.0 to2.2.2. Thanks to the open..
How to attach javadoc or sources to jars in libs folder? libs folder android eclipse adt javadoc share improve this question The best way to answer your question is to summarize the answers from Xavier plastiv VinceFR and Christopher . Step by step guide In order to link the sources and javadoc to..