android Programming Glossary: suites
Android: Animation in Gallery View? to read this That will be our 'grow' effect and you will need to save it in res anim grow.xml or whatever name it suites you but always in res anim dir . You can follow the resource guide from here to create a Gallery view. The ImageAdapter..
Does Android XML Layout's 'include' Tag Really Work? Issue 2863 include tag is broken overriding layout params never works Since Romain indicates this works in the test suites and his examples I must be doing something wrong. My project is organized like this res layout buttons.xml res layout land..
GUI testing with Instrumentation in Android the APIs are terrible making tests difficult to write and understand. Hence most people I know that run larger test suites opt for Robolectric which takes UI testing away from the device and Dalvik to a plain old JVM. It has come a long way and..
Android two player game to be played in internet be transferred to the other player via internet. How to make this possible I have heard of C2DM mechanism.Does that suites the scenario i described and is it reliable Thanks android internet android c2dm share improve this question Another..
Android lock screen an issue I wouldn't mess with it at all. You might be able to find one of these fake lock screens on the market that suites your needs or you could create one that is exactly what you want. You could also search around on XDA for a rom that works..
What exactly is a monkey doing messing with my Android phone? is primarily designed to test applications and devices at the functional framework level and for running unit test suites but you are free to use it for other purposes. So if you are running a package using Monkeyrunner then this function will..