android Programming Glossary: super.onfinishinflate
What is the difference between the states selected, checked and activated in Android? Context context super context private boolean mChecked false @Override protected void onFinishInflate super.onFinishInflate @Override public boolean isChecked return mChecked @Override public void setChecked boolean checked mChecked checked refreshDrawableState..
CheckedTextView checkmark in ListView row not showing up public boolean isChecked return mCheckable null false mCheckable.isChecked @Override protected void onFinishInflate super.onFinishInflate Find Checkable child int childCount getChildCount for int i 0 i childCount i View v getChildAt i if v instanceof Checkable..
Android ListView with RadioButton/CheckBox in singleChoice mode and a custom row layout null break non Javadoc @see android.view.View#onFinishInflate @Override protected void onFinishInflate super.onFinishInflate mCheckedTextView CheckedTextView findViewById non Javadoc @see android.widget.Checkable#setChecked boolean..
How to implement expandable panels in Android? refer to a valid child. mHandleId handleId mContentId contentId a.recycle @Override protected void onFinishInflate super.onFinishInflate mHandle findViewById mHandleId if mHandle null throw new IllegalArgumentException The handle attribute is must refer to.. int animationDuration mAnimationDuration animationDuration @Override protected void onFinishInflate super.onFinishInflate mHandle findViewById mHandleId if mHandle null throw new IllegalArgumentException The handle attribute is must refer to..
How to place views in a specific location (x, y coordinates) private AwesomeView mMyView private int mYourDesiredX private int mYourDesiredY @Override public void onFinishInflate super.onFinishInflate if mMyView null mMyView AwesomeView findViewById @Override protected void onLayout boolean changed int l int t int r int..