android Programming Glossary: super.onoptionsitemselected
android:take screenshot and share it e System.out.println e return true default return super.onOptionsItemSelected item private static void savePic Bitmap b String strFileName..
How to add progressbar to ActionBarSherlock this Cart 10000 .show return true default return super.onOptionsItemSelected item class AsyncHttpGetRecipe extends AsyncTask Object String..
android menu code not working false else toggleVol true return true default return super.onOptionsItemSelected menu Thanks for all your help when I tried the code that was..
nullpointer exception raises when i click on the button Log.d Option Exit option is clicked return super.onOptionsItemSelected item public class DataManipulator public..
Proper way to handle action bar up button? startActivity intentHome return true default return super.onOptionsItemSelected item android android actionbar share improve this question..
How can I return to a parent activity correctly? NavUtils.navigateUpFromSameTask this return true return super.onOptionsItemSelected item android android intent activity parent share improve..
ActionBar logo centered and Action items on sides left action item do something return true default return super.onOptionsItemSelected item Of course make sure you also do the other necessary setups..
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState public boolean onOptionsItemSelected MenuItem item super.onOptionsItemSelected item switch item.getItemId case AddFriendDialogFragment..
How to implement getfilter() with custom adapter that extends baseadapter new Intent this Search.class return true default return super.onOptionsItemSelected item public void SetListViewAdapter ArrayList HashMap String..
How to get onClickListener() event on custom actionbar on ActionBar Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show default return super.onOptionsItemSelected item Here is my custom_image_button layout xml version 1.0.. on ActionBar Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show default return super.onOptionsItemSelected item But I'm unable to get onClick event on the custom image...
Draw in Canvas by finger android false return true return super.onOptionsItemSelected item Color Picker public class ColorPickerDialog extends Dialog..
Changing Locale within the app itself Locale en Français Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show break return super.onOptionsItemSelected item AND HERE IS THE MANIFEST xml version 1.0 encoding utf..
Save the image made by user in fingerPaint api demos in android url Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show return true return super.onOptionsItemSelected item Custom View package org.testCircle import android.content.Context..
NullPointerException in SharedPreferences Android pob.changeLocale us finish return true default return super.onOptionsItemSelected item Thanks android nullpointerexception sharedpreferences..
Android, How to create option Menu
How can I refresh the ActionBar when onPrepareOptionsMenu switched menu entries? This works on Android 3.x devices only return true return super.onOptionsItemSelected menuItem EDIT If I add invalidateOptionsMenu this works on Android..
android - save image into gallery e e.printStackTrace return true default return super.onOptionsItemSelected item i'm not sure of this part of code File root Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory..
keeping a variable value across all android activities startActivityForResult myIntent4 0 return true return super.onOptionsItemSelected item Then make it available as mRowId in my Profile activity..
android:take screenshot and share it try takeScreenShot av av is instance of hello catch Exception e System.out.println e return true default return super.onOptionsItemSelected item private static void savePic Bitmap b String strFileName FileOutputStream fos null try fos new FileOutputStream strFileName..
How to add progressbar to ActionBarSherlock stepIntent return true case Toast.makeText this Cart 10000 .show return true default return super.onOptionsItemSelected item class AsyncHttpGetRecipe extends AsyncTask Object String Recipe @Override protected Recipe doInBackground Object.....
android menu code not working true case if toggleVol true toggleVol false else toggleVol true return true default return super.onOptionsItemSelected menu Thanks for all your help when I tried the code that was suggested and it didn't work I went back and changed the menu...
nullpointer exception raises when i click on the button Log.d Option Delete option is clicked if item.getItemId Log.d Option Exit option is clicked return super.onOptionsItemSelected item public class DataManipulator public static final String KEY_IMG image private DatabaseHelper..
Proper way to handle action bar up button? intentHome.addFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP startActivity intentHome return true default return super.onOptionsItemSelected item android android actionbar share improve this question In your onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState do ActionBar..
How can I return to a parent activity correctly? MenuItem item switch item.getItemId case NavUtils.navigateUpFromSameTask this return true return super.onOptionsItemSelected item android android intent activity parent share improve this question It happen only if you are starting Activity..
ActionBar logo centered and Action items on sides return true case this will be your left action item do something return true default return super.onOptionsItemSelected item Of course make sure you also do the other necessary setups for the Action items in your menu xml's as well. This will..
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState menu return true @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected MenuItem item super.onOptionsItemSelected item switch item.getItemId case AddFriendDialogFragment addFriendDialogFragment AddFriendDialogFragment.newInstance..
How to implement getfilter() with custom adapter that extends baseadapter intent.putExtra lat lat startActivity intent startActivity new Intent this Search.class return true default return super.onOptionsItemSelected item public void SetListViewAdapter ArrayList HashMap String String daftar adapter new PromotionListAdapter activity daftar..
How to get onClickListener() event on custom actionbar Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Clicked on ActionBar Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show default return super.onOptionsItemSelected item Here is my custom_image_button layout xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 RelativeLayout xmlns android http Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Clicked on ActionBar Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show default return super.onOptionsItemSelected item But I'm unable to get onClick event on the custom image. What I'm doing wrong here please guide. Any kind of help..
Draw in Canvas by finger android Exception e e.printStackTrace finally mv.setDrawingCacheEnabled false return true return super.onOptionsItemSelected item Color Picker public class ColorPickerDialog extends Dialog public interface OnColorChangedListener void colorChanged..
Changing Locale within the app itself .getResources .getDisplayMetrics Toast.makeText this Locale en Français Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show break return super.onOptionsItemSelected item AND HERE IS THE MANIFEST xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest xmlns android http apk res android..
Save the image made by user in fingerPaint api demos in android viewBitmap title null Toast.makeText testCircle.this url Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show return true return super.onOptionsItemSelected item Custom View package org.testCircle import android.content.Context import import
NullPointerException in SharedPreferences Android Toast.makeText this US already selected Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show pob.changeLocale us finish return true default return super.onOptionsItemSelected item Thanks android nullpointerexception sharedpreferences share improve this question getSharedPreferences can only..
Android, How to create option Menu
How can I refresh the ActionBar when onPrepareOptionsMenu switched menu entries? false mapView.invalidate invalidateOptionsMenu This works on Android 3.x devices only return true return super.onOptionsItemSelected menuItem EDIT If I add invalidateOptionsMenu this works on Android 3.x apps but crashes on Android 2.x devices because of..
android - save image into gallery CompressFormat.JPEG 100 ostream ostream.close catch Exception e e.printStackTrace return true default return super.onOptionsItemSelected item i'm not sure of this part of code File root Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory File file new File root.getAbsolutePath..
keeping a variable value across all android activities Intent myIntent4 new Intent this MoreInfo.class startActivityForResult myIntent4 0 return true return super.onOptionsItemSelected item Then make it available as mRowId in my Profile activity below mRowId bundle null null Long bundle.getSerializable..