android Programming Glossary: super.loadurl
How to enable cookies for Android phonegap 1.8.0 app? savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html Modify it to look like this.. true super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html share improve this answer..
Disabling text selection in PhoneGap savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html super.appView.setOnLongClickListener.. does the magic. Make sure you put this AFTER your call to super.loadUrl. Of course this will disable text selection for your entire..
Application Error - The connection to the server was unsuccessful. (file:///android_asset/www/index.html) inside src com yourProj above this line super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html Explanation This can be happened..
Android WebView renders blank/white, view doesn't update on css changes or HTML changes, animations are choppy savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html this.appView.getSettings .setRenderPriority..
PhoneGap not running in Android super.setIntegerProperty loadUrlTimeoutValue 60000 super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html 1000 5 Add index.html file..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview public void loadUrl String url addJavascriptInterface super.loadUrl url @Override public void loadUrl String url Map String String.. String additionalHttpHeaders addJavascriptInterface super.loadUrl url additionalHttpHeaders private void addJavascriptInterface..
Communication between Android Java and Phonegap Javascript? this appView appView.addJavascriptInterface mc MyCls super.loadUrl getString R.string.url In Javascript call window.MyCls methods..
zoom in phonegap for android savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html WebSettings ws super.appView.getSettings..
Disable zoom when clicking on form fields within a WebView? savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html WebSettings settings appView.getSettings..
How add an Application Pre-loader/Startup screen/Splash Screen to My PhoneGap Android App R.drawable.splash Displays the splash screen for android super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html 3000 Second parameter is duration..
phonegap, connection to server unsuccessful index.html Within your custom Activity file before calling super.loadUrl add the following line super.setIntegerProperty loadUrlTimeoutValue..
phonegap - splash screen for Android app this line should show up under super.onCreate but before super.loadUrl . Then you'll need to modify your loadUrl method to pause for.. before loading up the main page. It would look like this super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html 5000 That should do it for..
How can I load a webpage inside the phonegap webview? savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.loadUrl http However I want to have an internal page launched.. savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html and I have a link a href..
Android + HTML5(LocalStorage) + Admob: Bug? savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html ADMOB If comment work. LinearLayout.. savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html mHandler.postDelayed new Runnable..
PhoneGap for Android does not accept the 9 key void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState ... snip ... super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html 12000 this.appView.getSettings..
How to enable cookies for Android phonegap 1.8.0 app? activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html Modify it to look like this example import android.os.Bundle import android.webkit.CookieManager..
Disabling text selection in PhoneGap extends DroidGap @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html super.appView.setOnLongClickListener new View.OnLongClickListener public boolean onLongClick.. View v return true The setOnClickListener is what does the magic. Make sure you put this AFTER your call to super.loadUrl. Of course this will disable text selection for your entire app but I'm OK with that and I don't have any other way around..
Application Error - The connection to the server was unsuccessful. (file:///android_asset/www/index.html) loadUrlTimeoutValue 70000 in your file inside src com yourProj above this line super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html Explanation This can be happened due to the following reasons The core reason the problem..
Android WebView renders blank/white, view doesn't update on css changes or HTML changes, animations are choppy settings you'll want to set @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html this.appView.getSettings .setRenderPriority RenderPriority.HIGH this.appView.getSettings..
PhoneGap not running in Android Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.setIntegerProperty loadUrlTimeoutValue 60000 super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html 1000 5 Add index.html file into assets www folder with this content. DOCTYPE html html..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview baseUrl data mimeType encoding historyUrl @Override public void loadUrl String url addJavascriptInterface super.loadUrl url @Override public void loadUrl String url Map String String additionalHttpHeaders addJavascriptInterface super.loadUrl.. url @Override public void loadUrl String url Map String String additionalHttpHeaders addJavascriptInterface super.loadUrl url additionalHttpHeaders private void addJavascriptInterface if addedJavascriptInterface Add javascript interface to..
Communication between Android Java and Phonegap Javascript? super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.init mc new MyClass this appView appView.addJavascriptInterface mc MyCls super.loadUrl getString R.string.url In Javascript call window.MyCls methods script function #phone .text My telephone number is window.MyCls.getTelephoneNumber..
zoom in phonegap for android Sample extends DroidGap @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html WebSettings ws super.appView.getSettings ws.setSupportZoom true ws.setBuiltInZoomControls..
Disable zoom when clicking on form fields within a WebView? activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html WebSettings settings appView.getSettings settings.setBuiltInZoomControls false settings.setSupportZoom..
How add an Application Pre-loader/Startup screen/Splash Screen to My PhoneGap Android App savedInstanceState super.setIntegerProperty splashscreen R.drawable.splash Displays the splash screen for android super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html 3000 Second parameter is duration for delay of splash screen For Android Native app public..
phonegap, connection to server unsuccessful
phonegap - splash screen for Android app add super.setIntegerProperty splashscreen R.drawable.splash this line should show up under super.onCreate but before super.loadUrl . Then you'll need to modify your loadUrl method to pause for 5 seconds before loading up the main page. It would look like.. need to modify your loadUrl method to pause for 5 seconds before loading up the main page. It would look like this super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html 5000 That should do it for you. I've recently made some updates to how the SplashScreen..
How can I load a webpage inside the phonegap webview? class App extends DroidGap @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.loadUrl http However I want to have an internal page launched first with a link to the external page so I do this public.. class App extends DroidGap @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html and I have a link a href # onclick 'http' Google a but..
Android + HTML5(LocalStorage) + Admob: Bug? extends DroidGap @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html ADMOB If comment work. LinearLayout layout super.root AdView adView new AdView this AdSize.BANNER.. activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html mHandler.postDelayed new Runnable public void run doStuff 5000 private void doStuff..
PhoneGap for Android does not accept the 9 key the loadUrl call in the existing onCreate method @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState ... snip ... super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html 12000 this.appView.getSettings .setNavDump false ... snip ... share improve this answer..