android Programming Glossary: super.onconfigurationchanged
How to handle screen orientation changes when there is an asyntask running with android 4.x public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig @Override public void onPause super.onPause @Override..
How to make application completely ignore screen orientation change in Android? public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig This is the default implementation if using the Source..
Rotating phone quickly 180 degrees, camera preview turns upside down public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig Checks the orientation of the screen if newConfig.orientation..
Force an android activity to always use landscape mode Configuration newConfig ignore orientation keyboard change super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig The author specifically put a comment to ignore any..
Changing Locale within the app itself void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig if locale null newConfig.locale locale Locale.setDefault..
Howto capture the 'virtual keyboard show/hide' event in Android? public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig Checks whether a hardware keyboard is available if..
Activity reloads when orientation changes in Android public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig Checks the orientation of the screen if newConfig.orientation..
Android VideoView orientation change with buffered video public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig if newConfig.orientation Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE.. public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig if newConfig.orientation Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE..
Activity restart on rotation Android public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig setContentView R.layout.myLayout share improve this..
Force “portrait” orientation mode public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig setRequestedOrientation ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT..
How to detect orientation change in layout in Android? public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig Checks the orientation of the screen if newConfig.orientation..
File Upload in WebView public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig To handle Back key press event for WebView to go back..
Android onConfigurationChanged not being called is changed Log.d TAG onConfigurationChanged Called super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig And my LogCat Output 06 23 12 33 20.327 DEBUG APP..
Avoid Android VideoView corruption when rotating back to portrait public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig I created a test project to check if this was the..
Setting the background of an Activity else do nothing this might apply for the keyboard super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig and add this to your manifest activity android name..
onDestroy gets called each time the screen goes on Configuration newConfig Log.v ### onConfigurationChanged super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig @Override public void update Observable observable..
How to stop changing the orientation when a progress bar is spinning in android public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig if newConfig.orientation Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE..
how do you get the phone's MCC and MNC in Android? public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration config super.onConfigurationChanged config DeviceData.MCC config.mcc DeviceData.MNC config.mnc However..
How to handle screen orientation changes when there is an asyntask running with android 4.x AsyncTask.Status.PENDING Task.execute @Override public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig @Override public void onPause super.onPause @Override public void onResume super.onResume Androidmanifest.xml..
How to make application completely ignore screen orientation change in Android? add the function below to your Activity's class. @Override public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig This is the default implementation if using the Source Override Implement Methods menu option. That's it Now your..
Rotating phone quickly 180 degrees, camera preview turns upside down View.VISIBLE Log.e ori111 port @Override public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig Checks the orientation of the screen if newConfig.orientation Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE Toast.makeText..
Force an android activity to always use landscape mode function @Override public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig ignore orientation keyboard change super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig The author specifically put a comment to ignore any keyboard or orientation changes. If you want to change this..
Changing Locale within the app itself extends Application private Locale locale null @Override public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig if locale null newConfig.locale locale Locale.setDefault locale getBaseContext .getResources .updateConfiguration..
Howto capture the 'virtual keyboard show/hide' event in Android? Sample from the link above @Override public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig Checks whether a hardware keyboard is available if newConfig.hardKeyboardHidden Configuration.HARDKEYBOARDHIDDEN_NO..
Activity reloads when orientation changes in Android this code in your every activity's java classes. @Override public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig Checks the orientation of the screen if newConfig.orientation Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE Toast.makeText..
Android VideoView orientation change with buffered video would be greatly appreciated Here's my code @Override public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig if newConfig.orientation Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE questionText.setVisibility View.GONE respond.setVisibility.. Then inside my Activity I just did the following @Override public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig if newConfig.orientation Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE getWindow .clearFlags WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FORCE_NOT_FULLSCREEN..
Activity restart on rotation Android
Force “portrait” orientation mode portrait and this function in my activity class public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig setRequestedOrientation ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT But again no luck. So anybody has an idea Thanks..
How to detect orientation change in layout in Android? method of Activity. See the following code public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig Checks the orientation of the screen if newConfig.orientation Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE Toast.makeText..
File Upload in WebView View.GONE flipscreen not loading again @Override public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig To handle Back key press event for WebView to go back to previous screen. @Override public boolean onKeyDown int..
Android onConfigurationChanged not being called newConfig don't reload the current page when the orientation is changed Log.d TAG onConfigurationChanged Called super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig And my LogCat Output 06 23 12 33 20.327 DEBUG APP 2905 onCreate Called Orientation Changes 06 23 12 33 23.842..
Avoid Android VideoView corruption when rotating back to portrait attribute... more So you should not need to @Override public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig I created a test project to check if this was the case Rotating Video Stream Example https sh..
Setting the background of an Activity Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT change the background else do nothing this might apply for the keyboard super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig and add this to your manifest activity android name .YourActivity android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation..
onDestroy gets called each time the screen goes on super.onPause @Override public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig Log.v ### onConfigurationChanged super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig @Override public void update Observable observable Object data Log.v ### notifyManager.getWho made an Update private..
How to stop changing the orientation when a progress bar is spinning in android won't stop though the orientation changes. UPDATE @Override public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged newConfig if newConfig.orientation Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE setContentView R.layout.login_landscape else if..
how do you get the phone's MCC and MNC in Android? overriding an activity's onConfigurationChanged method as such public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration config super.onConfigurationChanged config DeviceData.MCC config.mcc DeviceData.MNC config.mnc However I need this data as soon as the app starts and can't..