android Programming Glossary: super.onnewintent
How to stop an activity in android using intent? .getBoolean keep if keep true execute your code here @Override protected void onNewIntent Intent intent super.onNewIntent intent keep intent.getExtras .getBoolean keep if keep false B.this.finish Explanation What this basically does is when..
how to disable home button in android? .show return false return super.onKeyDown keyCode event @Override protected void onNewIntent Intent intent super.onNewIntent intent if Intent.ACTION_MAIN.equals intent.getAction Log.i MyLauncher onNewIntent HOME Key android share improve this..
Logout from the application Android data else super.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode data @Override protected void onNewIntent Intent intent super.onNewIntent intent Please suggest me what i have done wrong in this After Your Suggestions of Vivek Bhusal i tried to use sharedpref..
How do I pass data from a BroadcastReceiver through to an Activity being started? void onNewIntent Intent intent Log.d YourActivity onNewIntent is called memberFieldString intent.getStringExtra KEY super.onNewIntent intent End of onNewIntent Intent intent @Override protected void onResume if memberFieldString null if opstartsIntent.getStringExtra..
Problem in Callback in Twitter in Android and feed them to twitter4j as well as consumer key and secret . @Override protected void onNewIntent Intent intent super.onNewIntent intent Uri uri intent.getData if uri null uri.toString .startsWith CALLBACK_URL String verifier uri .getQueryParameter..
onNewIntent() lifecycle and registered listeners most of the time my onNewIntent methods simply looks like this @Override protected void onNewIntent Intent intent super.onNewIntent intent getIntent should always return the most recent setIntent intent With all setup logic happening in onResume by utilizing..