android Programming Glossary: super.onrestoreinstancestate
NullPointerException on onSaveInstanceState with AndroidFragments void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState public void onTabSelected ActionBar.Tab tab..
Android FragmentTabHost - Not fully baked yet? Parcelable state SavedState ss SavedState state super.onRestoreInstanceState ss.getSuperState setCurrentTabByTag ss.curTab @Override public..
Why EditText in a custom compound view is re-using the text entered in another compound view instance? if bundle.getBoolean isFocused mEditText.requestFocus super.onRestoreInstanceState bundle.getParcelable instanceState return super.onRestoreInstanceState.. bundle.getParcelable instanceState return super.onRestoreInstanceState state android android edittext android view android custom..
Android Fragment Pager and Custom Page Indicator( ViewPagerIndicator created by Jake Wharton) Parcelable state SavedState savedState SavedState state super.onRestoreInstanceState savedState.getSuperState mCurrentPage savedState.currentPage..
Saving Activity state in Android void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState Restore UI state from the savedInstanceState...
Playing youtube videos smoothly in web view void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState System.out.println onRestoreInstanceState..
ScrollView .scrollTo not working? Saving ScrollView position on rotation void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState sViewX savedInstanceState.getInt sViewX sViewY..
How to prevent Custom Views from losing state across screen orientation changes classes can restore state if state instanceof SavedState super.onRestoreInstanceState state return SavedState ss SavedState state super.onRestoreInstanceState.. state return SavedState ss SavedState state super.onRestoreInstanceState ss.getSuperState end this.stateToSave ss.stateToSave static..
Save and restore expanded/collapsed state of an ExpandableListActivity protected void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle state super.onRestoreInstanceState state Parcelable listState state.getParcelable ListState getExpandableListView.. protected void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle state super.onRestoreInstanceState state long expandedIds state.getLongArray ExpandedIds if expandedIds..
Android: Moving background image while navigating through Views Parcelable state SavedState savedState SavedState state super.onRestoreInstanceState savedState.getSuperState if savedState.currentScreen 1 mCurrentScreen..
How to capture the image and save it in sd card void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState protected void onResume Log.e getClass .getSimpleName..
My Android camera Uri is returning a null value, but the Samsung fix is in place, help? void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState if savedInstanceState.containsKey cameraImageUri..
NullPointerException on onSaveInstanceState with AndroidFragments super.onSaveInstanceState savedInstanceState @Override public void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState public void onTabSelected ActionBar.Tab tab FragmentTransaction ft mViewPager.setCurrentItem tab.getPosition..
Android FragmentTabHost - Not fully baked yet? return ss @Override protected void onRestoreInstanceState Parcelable state SavedState ss SavedState state super.onRestoreInstanceState ss.getSuperState setCurrentTabByTag ss.curTab @Override public void onTabChanged String tabId if mAttached FragmentTransaction..
Why EditText in a custom compound view is re-using the text entered in another compound view instance? Bundle state mEditText.setText bundle.getString currentEdit if bundle.getBoolean isFocused mEditText.requestFocus super.onRestoreInstanceState bundle.getParcelable instanceState return super.onRestoreInstanceState state android android edittext android view android.. isFocused mEditText.requestFocus super.onRestoreInstanceState bundle.getParcelable instanceState return super.onRestoreInstanceState state android android edittext android view android custom view share improve this question I'll start off by saying..
Android Fragment Pager and Custom Page Indicator( ViewPagerIndicator created by Jake Wharton) return result @Override public void onRestoreInstanceState Parcelable state SavedState savedState SavedState state super.onRestoreInstanceState savedState.getSuperState mCurrentPage savedState.currentPage requestLayout @Override public Parcelable onSaveInstanceState..
Saving Activity state in Android where you'd extract the values like this @Override public void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState Restore UI state from the savedInstanceState. This bundle has also been passed to onCreate. boolean myBoolean..
Playing youtube videos smoothly in web view of the WebView webView.saveState outState @Override protected void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState System.out.println onRestoreInstanceState Restore the state of the WebView webView.restoreState savedInstanceState..
ScrollView .scrollTo not working? Saving ScrollView position on rotation super.onSaveInstanceState outState @Override public void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState sViewX savedInstanceState.getInt sViewX sViewY savedInstanceState.getInt sViewY sView.scrollTo sViewX..
How to prevent Custom Views from losing state across screen orientation changes Parcelable state begin boilerplate code so parent classes can restore state if state instanceof SavedState super.onRestoreInstanceState state return SavedState ss SavedState state super.onRestoreInstanceState ss.getSuperState end this.stateToSave ss.stateToSave.. restore state if state instanceof SavedState super.onRestoreInstanceState state return SavedState ss SavedState state super.onRestoreInstanceState ss.getSuperState end this.stateToSave ss.stateToSave static class SavedState extends BaseSavedState int stateToSave SavedState..
Save and restore expanded/collapsed state of an ExpandableListActivity outState.putParcelable ListState listState @Override protected void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle state super.onRestoreInstanceState state Parcelable listState state.getParcelable ListState getExpandableListView .onRestoreInstanceState listState ...but.. outState.putLongArray ExpandedIds this.expandedIds @Override protected void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle state super.onRestoreInstanceState state long expandedIds state.getLongArray ExpandedIds if expandedIds null restoreExpandedState expandedIds private long..
Android: Moving background image while navigating through Views current screen @Override protected void onRestoreInstanceState Parcelable state SavedState savedState SavedState state super.onRestoreInstanceState savedState.getSuperState if savedState.currentScreen 1 mCurrentScreen savedState.currentScreen BadScrollHelp.setCurrentScreen..
How to capture the image and save it in sd card Log.e getClass .getSimpleName SHUTTER CALLBACK protected void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState protected void onResume Log.e getClass .getSimpleName onResume fromOnResume true super.onResume..
My Android camera Uri is returning a null value, but the Samsung fix is in place, help? cameraImageUri mImageUri.toString @Override protected void onRestoreInstanceState Bundle savedInstanceState super.onRestoreInstanceState savedInstanceState if savedInstanceState.containsKey cameraImageUri mImageUri Uri.parse savedInstanceState.getString cameraImageUri..