android Programming Glossary: super.onattach
How to navigate in fragments? example @Override public void onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity try mCallback Callback activity catch ClassCastException..
AsyncTaskLoader onLoadFinished with a pending task and config change @Override public void onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity rowTappedListener RowTappedListener activity @Override..
Further understanding setRetainInstance(true) @Override public void onAttach final Activity activity super.onAttach activity Log.d TAG this onAttach activity @Override public..
How to pass data from activity to fragment mHostInterface public void onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity if D Log.d TAG onAttach try mHostInterface DataPullingInterface..
Using ActionBarSherlock With the New SupportMapFragment mActivity SherlockFragmentActivity activity super.onAttach activity @Override public void onDetach mActivity null super.onDetach.. mActivity SherlockFragmentActivity activity super.onAttach activity @Override public void onDetach mActivity null super.onDetach..
Button in Fragment's ListView item Interface Definition? ... @Override public void onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity try mListener OnItemSelectedListener activity catch..
How to pass values between Fragments name @Override public void onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity This makes sure that the container activity has implemented.. onAttach Activity activity TODO Auto generated method stub super.onAttach activity public void setName String name txtName.setText Hi..
Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method onAttach Activity activity TODO Auto generated method stub super.onAttach activity This makes sure that the container activity has implemented..
multiple layout viewpager with one fragment ans @Override public void onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity try callBack AnswerEnterListener activity fD FragmentData..
Prevent dialog dismissal on screen rotation in Android void onNo @Override public void onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity if activity instanceof YesNoListener throw new ClassCastException..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? @Override public void onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity setting callback mListener OnMessageListActionListener..
Android Fragments. Retaining an AsyncTask during screen rotation or configuration change @Override public void onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity try loginSuccessfulListener OnLoginSuccessfulListener..
support FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments true @Override public void onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity Log.w TAG ATTACHATTACHATTACHATTACHATTACH context activity..
Get data back from a fragment dialog - best practices? Instance. @Override public void onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity try mListener OnArticleSelectedListener activity catch..
How to navigate in fragments? This is typically achieved in the onAttached method. For example @Override public void onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity try mCallback Callback activity catch ClassCastException e throw new ClassCastException activity.toString must..
AsyncTaskLoader onLoadFinished with a pending task and config change Integer number private RowTappedListener rowTappedListener @Override public void onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity rowTappedListener RowTappedListener activity @Override public void onActivityCreated Bundle savedInstanceState..
Further understanding setRetainInstance(true) Log.d TAG this onCreate setRetainInstance true @Override public void onAttach final Activity activity super.onAttach activity Log.d TAG this onAttach activity @Override public void onActivityCreated Bundle savedInstanceState super.onActivityCreated..
How to pass data from activity to fragment so you can call those functions. private DataPullingInterface mHostInterface public void onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity if D Log.d TAG onAttach try mHostInterface DataPullingInterface activity catch ClassCastException e throw new ClassCastException..
Using ActionBarSherlock With the New SupportMapFragment getClass .getSimpleName must be attached to a SherlockFragmentActivity. mActivity SherlockFragmentActivity activity super.onAttach activity @Override public void onDetach mActivity null super.onDetach @Override public final void onCreateOptionsMenu android.view.Menu.. getClass .getSimpleName must be attached to a SherlockFragmentActivity. mActivity SherlockFragmentActivity activity super.onAttach activity @Override public void onDetach mActivity null super.onDetach @Override public final void onCreateOptionsMenu android.view.Menu..
Button in Fragment's ListView item Interface Definition? OnItemSelectedListener public void onItemSelected int position ... @Override public void onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity try mListener OnItemSelectedListener activity catch ClassCastException e throw new ClassCastException activity.toString..
How to pass values between Fragments OnFragmentChangedListener public void onButtonClicked String name @Override public void onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity This makes sure that the container activity has implemented the callback interface. If not it throws an exception.. txtName.setText name return view @Override public void onAttach Activity activity TODO Auto generated method stub super.onAttach activity public void setName String name txtName.setText Hi name I get the following exception 04 16 18 10 24.573 E AndroidRuntime..
Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method void onCarSelected CarDetail car @Override public void onAttach Activity activity TODO Auto generated method stub super.onAttach activity This makes sure that the container activity has implemented the callback interface. If not it throws an exception..
multiple layout viewpager with one fragment interface AnswerEnterListener public void onInputAnswer String ans @Override public void onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity try callBack AnswerEnterListener activity fD FragmentData activity catch Exception e TODO handle exception @Override..
Prevent dialog dismissal on screen rotation in Android DialogFragment public interface YesNoListener void onYes void onNo @Override public void onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity if activity instanceof YesNoListener throw new ClassCastException activity.toString must implement YesNoListener..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? public void onMessageSelected Message selectedMessage @Override public void onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity setting callback mListener OnMessageListActionListener activity mIsLastMessages activity instanceof DashboardActivity..
Android Fragments. Retaining an AsyncTask during screen rotation or configuration change NPE is thrown when looking for UI Objects. parentActivity getActivity @Override public void onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity try loginSuccessfulListener OnLoginSuccessfulListener activity catch ClassCastException e throw new ClassCastException..
support FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments savedInstanceState handler new Handler setHasOptionsMenu true @Override public void onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity Log.w TAG ATTACHATTACHATTACHATTACHATTACH context activity if context null Log.e IS NULL NULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULLNULL..
Get data back from a fragment dialog - best practices? the Parent implemented the Callback Interface and save the Instance. @Override public void onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity try mListener OnArticleSelectedListener activity catch ClassCastException e throw new ClassCastException activity.toString..