android Programming Glossary: suggestion
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader Are there any ways around this situation I am open to any suggestions. UPDATE 3 When I implemented a custom MultiAutoCompleteTextView.. Dropdown MultiAutoCompleteTextView tokenizer Otherwise my suggestion would be to make a contribution submitting a patch request about.. Here you find the instructions on how to submit such a suggestion request about a missing feature Android how to contribute ...
Unexpected value from nativeGetEnabledTags: 0 it and i found this link . I am unsure what it means. Your suggestions would help. android share improve this question I just.. it is so spammed it's almost useless. Following Laksh suggestion if you want to filter this always without having to always write..
Push Notifications in Android Platform time. Poll may drain the battery. Do you have a better suggestion please . Thanks much. android push alerts share improve this..
How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file? folder on every build then you can use it by the below suggestion. Put the library in the native library path which defaults to..
ListView is blank while using getFilter function
Android Camera without Preview and bindservice to call this function or do you have any suggestion to achieve my goal taking a picture without preview and if so..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache cache and history of the WebView. I've also followed the suggestion here http questions 1790254 how to empty cache.. time time.format Y m d H M S So I implemented the first suggestion Although changed the code to be recursive private void clearApplicationCache..
How to handle an AsyncTask during Screen Rotation? screen rotation share improve this question My first suggestion would be to make sure you actually need your activity to be..
WebView and HTML5 <video>
Bulk Insertion on Android device SQL format. All three would work just fine but the latter suggestion of grabbing the data from a formatted file and building the..
How to implement a view holder? only once Not all the time when i scroll my list. Any suggestion Here is my Code public View getView int position View convertView..
How I can get onclick event on webview in android? to show hide a view of my activity that hold webview. Any suggestion android android webview share improve this question I took..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM Finally thanks to the code and the suggestion of harism I've been able to connect to the Facebook chat. This..
Help with passing ArrayList and parcelable Activity intent before you call startActivity . See point 1 for a suggestion here. I think that you will need to address all of these issues..
how to call RESTful web service from android? or sdk exception. Do anyone give me sample code and suggestion java android web services rest authorization share improve..
Could not find Library.apk! I tried removing the project then re importing it per the suggestion below. It didn't help. I then found this thread that helped..
What is the most appropriate way to store user settings in Android application sure if this is the best solution. I would appreciate any suggestion on how to store user values settings in Android application...
Store Android SQLite data .. i am very confused about this can you help me any suggestion or links please android sqlite share improve this question..
AlertDialog: How To Remove Black Borders Above and Below View but that didn't help. Result setBackgroundDrawable Suggestion public class Welcome extends Activity public void onCreate Bundle..
Getting Next and Previous Detail Data from listview lblEmail.setText detail.get ListPerusahaan.TAG_EMAIL Suggestion Use ViewHolder to populate view in getView Method it will make..
Android - capture/suppress Home and EndCall buttons events? in Activity especially in Options Menu Issue 4202 Feature Suggestion permission for intercepting KEYCODE_CALL Do you know any workaround..
How to disable displaying “suggestions” on the Soft Keyboard keyboard this can be found under 'Settings' under Word Suggestion Settings . Is there a way to disable it only within your application.. 2.0 the supposed way is setting android inputType textNoSuggestions ref . Unfortunately suggestions are still shown on HTC Desire..
passing data from list view to another activity Just wanna pass data from listview to another activity. Suggestion plz Regards android bundle share improve this question ..
Multiple screen resolution i.e xml and then programmatically set LayoutParams . A Suggestion for Google Android Engineers i guess you guys should seriously..
Store Android SQLite I am giving on the based on my personal experience. First Suggestion Internal Phone Memory When you are storing dataase in Internal.. Internal Memory is best till medium level database. Second Suggestion External Memory SD Card When you are storing database in external..
Android java : Update same EditText in textChanged event will cause this method to be called again recursively. ... Suggestion 1 if you can check if the s is already what you want when the.. smth defined previously s smth defined previously Suggestion 2 if you need to do more complex stuff formatting validation..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader in onCreateLoader which will obviously return no results. Are there any ways around this situation I am open to any suggestions. UPDATE 3 When I implemented a custom MultiAutoCompleteTextView backed by a SimpleCursorAdapter along with a custom Tokenizer.. as you can check here 1 Example MultiAutoCompleteTextView 2 Dropdown MultiAutoCompleteTextView tokenizer Otherwise my suggestion would be to make a contribution submitting a patch request about this problem missing feature to Android core developer.. problem missing feature to Android core developer community. Here you find the instructions on how to submit such a suggestion request about a missing feature Android how to contribute . If what you have in mind is worth doing which apparently is..
Unexpected value from nativeGetEnabledTags: 0 Unexpected value from nativeGetEnabledTags 0 I googled it and i found this link . I am unsure what it means. Your suggestions would help. android share improve this question I just ran into this problem too. As a workaround I'm filtering the.. Message field of the filter ^ . nativeGetEnabledTags . Otherwise it is so spammed it's almost useless. Following Laksh suggestion if you want to filter this always without having to always write it on the Search for messages field Goto your Logcat In..
Push Notifications in Android Platform Each has its own limitations. SMS no guarantee on arrival time. Poll may drain the battery. Do you have a better suggestion please . Thanks much. android push alerts share improve this question Google's official answer is the Android Cloud..
How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file? need to add an external native library to your APK's library folder on every build then you can use it by the below suggestion. Put the library in the native library path which defaults to libs in your project folder. If you built the native code..
ListView is blank while using getFilter function
Android Camera without Preview code but it doesn't take a picture too. Do i need to use ipc and bindservice to call this function or do you have any suggestion to achieve my goal taking a picture without preview and if so would you give me a small piece of code as example android..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache I've tried setting the WebView not to use cache and clear the cache and history of the WebView. I've also followed the suggestion here http questions 1790254 how to empty cache for webview But none of this works does anyone have any.. Time time.setToNow mWebView.loadUrl mSocialProxy.getSignInURL time time.format Y m d H M S So I implemented the first suggestion Although changed the code to be recursive private void clearApplicationCache File dir getCacheDir if dir null dir.isDirectory..
How to handle an AsyncTask during Screen Rotation? of the possible solutions android android asynctask screen rotation share improve this question My first suggestion would be to make sure you actually need your activity to be reset on a screen rotation the default behavior . Every time..
WebView and HTML5 <video>
Bulk Insertion on Android device contain direct SQL and the other has the data in a non SQL format. All three would work just fine but the latter suggestion of grabbing the data from a formatted file and building the SQL yourself seems the cleanest. If true batch update capability..
How to implement a view holder? when i scroll the List. i want my List View to be populated only once Not all the time when i scroll my list. Any suggestion Here is my Code public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent A ViewHolder keeps references to children..
How I can get onclick event on webview in android? on webview other then hyperlink. I On that click i want to show hide a view of my activity that hold webview. Any suggestion android android webview share improve this question I took a look at this and I found that a WebView doesn't seem to..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM java android facebook xmpp smack share improve this question Finally thanks to the code and the suggestion of harism I've been able to connect to the Facebook chat. This code is the Mechanism for the Asmack library the Smack port..
Help with passing ArrayList and parcelable Activity
how to call RESTful web service from android? But when I run in eclipse sometimes I get a runtime exception or sdk exception. Do anyone give me sample code and suggestion java android web services rest authorization share improve this question Here is a really good post about how to use..
Could not find Library.apk! seems to be running OK How do I get rid of it UPDATE I tried removing the project then re importing it per the suggestion below. It didn't help. I then found this thread that helped me realize that I had uses library in the application's AndroidManifest.xml..
What is the most appropriate way to store user settings in Android application I was trying to do it with Shared Preferences but am not sure if this is the best solution. I would appreciate any suggestion on how to store user values settings in Android application. java android preferences credentials saving data share improve..
Store Android SQLite space in internal i can move to internal and keep inserting data .. i am very confused about this can you help me any suggestion or links please android sqlite share improve this question Following Answer I am giving on the based on my personal..
AlertDialog: How To Remove Black Borders Above and Below View instead of LinearLayout as per a suggestion I found somewhere but that didn't help. Result setBackgroundDrawable Suggestion public class Welcome extends Activity public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState..
Getting Next and Previous Detail Data from listview lblKategori.setText detail.get ListPerusahaan.TAG_KATEGORI lblEmail.setText detail.get ListPerusahaan.TAG_EMAIL Suggestion Use ViewHolder to populate view in getView Method it will make your adapter An efficent adapter . search for examples Follow..
Android - capture/suppress Home and EndCall buttons events? problem With Home Back screen button Supressing Key presses in Activity especially in Options Menu Issue 4202 Feature Suggestion permission for intercepting KEYCODE_CALL Do you know any workaround to block two those buttons Is the only way as often..
How to disable displaying “suggestions” on the Soft Keyboard only on certain Activities . For the default Android keyboard this can be found under 'Settings' under Word Suggestion Settings . Is there a way to disable it only within your application without requiring the user to manually go and do it.. android share improve this question When developing for 2.0 the supposed way is setting android inputType textNoSuggestions ref . Unfortunately suggestions are still shown on HTC Desire 2.2 and probably other HTC Sense devices as well . With android..
passing data from list view to another activity it should move to another activity with the data of list view. Just wanna pass data from listview to another activity. Suggestion plz Regards android bundle share improve this question Implement ListView 's OnItemClickListener once you handle this..
Multiple screen resolution for your Views Layouts always set value in px in layout file i.e xml and then programmatically set LayoutParams . A Suggestion for Google Android Engineers i guess you guys should seriously think of changing the dp dip units to percentage share improve..
Store Android SQLite sqlite share improve this question Following Answer I am giving on the based on my personal experience. First Suggestion Internal Phone Memory When you are storing dataase in Internal Memory Then for the Perfomance it is very good. Because your.. than enough then your device's perfomance will be down. So Internal Memory is best till medium level database. Second Suggestion External Memory SD Card When you are storing database in external Memory like SD Card then for perfomance application perfomance's..
Android java : Update same EditText in textChanged event yourself into an infinite loop because any changes you make will cause this method to be called again recursively. ... Suggestion 1 if you can check if the s is already what you want when the event is triggered. @Override public void afterTextChanged.. public void afterTextChanged Editable s if s.equalsIngoreCase smth defined previously s smth defined previously Suggestion 2 if you need to do more complex stuff formatting validation you can maybe use a synchronized method like in this post...