android Programming Glossary: suit
Heterogeneous GridLayout trying to implement the layout below I guess GridLayout is suitable for my needs but after 2 hours of struggle I couldn't create.. achieve it. In the meantime the LinearLayout above should suit your needs perfectly. Hope this helps FuzzicalLogic share improve..
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? OnDateSetListener in your activity or change the class to suit your needs . Trigger the dialog with this code in this sample.. . I took a few assumptions button names etc. that are suitable for my needs because I wanted to reduce boilerplate code..
Accessing R from a BroadcastReceiver
What's LazyList? and options You can configure with other options to suit your needs. Along with lazy loading Universal Image Loader you..
How can i just download image with universal-image-loader and options You can configure with other options to suit your needs. Along with lazy loading Universal Image Loader you..
Getting DrawerLayout to Slide over the ActionBar to the new UI standards Fork DrawerLayout and modify it to suit Roll your own navigation drawer from scratch I understand that..
Android: How can I validate EditText input? EditText boxes to be validated I think the following shall suit you Your activity implements android.text.TextWatcher interface..
what's design pattern principle in the Android development? of Android confused me. The MVC design pattern seems not suit for Android development. So what's is the design pattern principle..
How to encode a WAV to a mp3 on a Android device this may only be decode not sure If those doesn't suit your need you can look at this article from 2000 about adding..
android design considerations: AsyncTask vs Service (IntentService?) Definitely you need to use a Service . AsyncTask does not suit because it is tightly bound to your Activity via a Context handle..
Android Listview with spinner and a checkbox element. This could be implemented in many other ways to suit your needs. There are also 3 key Android XML files I modified..
Grid of images inside ScrollView you can hack around this or create your own layout to suit your needs without too much difficulty. Off the top of my head..
Android user interface guidelines to rely on intuition. Desktop computer experience does not suit. Design for big fingers. You don't have a stylus and people..
How can I get a working vertical SeekBar in Android? and is fully functional but the thumb does not follow suit. This is only a graphical glitch so I'm overlooking it for now...
Animate the transition between fragments
Controlling Tab colour-state / size in a TabActivity? I get the state colour of the indicator TextView to follow suit Example In the capture above it's readable because I've set..
Embedding ZXing in android app good tutorial on how to do this here . Adapt this code to suit your needs. I stripped a lot of the project away to just the..
Decoding audio via Android using FFMpeg file in libavcodec of the ffmpeg source and modify it to suit my needs. Below is the code. Just to note it doesn't dynamically..
Is there any way to view the log messages from our own application in android? for logcat. I've done some modifications to this script to suit better my needs so maybe you could adjust it too. I tried to..
Samsung Galaxy S2 2.3.5+ not calling overScrollBy() Samsung disabled their overscroll probably due to an Apple suit . I have an implementation of a view that extends ScrollView..
Heterogeneous GridLayout GridLayout I am trying to implement the layout below I guess GridLayout is suitable for my needs but after 2 hours of struggle I couldn't create even a similar layout.. The layout is resizing itself wrongly..
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? steps for a global solution Download this class. Implement OnDateSetListener in your activity or change the class to suit your needs . Trigger the dialog with this code in this sample I use it inside a Fragment Bundle b new Bundle b.putInt DatePickerDialogFragment.YEAR.. can download the class I'm using from my Google Drive account . I took a few assumptions button names etc. that are suitable for my needs because I wanted to reduce boilerplate code in client classes to a minimum. Full usage example class YourActivity..
Accessing R from a BroadcastReceiver
What's LazyList? imageurl image options provide imageurl imageview and options You can configure with other options to suit your needs. Along with lazy loading Universal Image Loader you can view holder for smooth scrolling and performance. http..
How can i just download image with universal-image-loader imageurl image options provide imageurl imageview and options You can configure with other options to suit your needs. Along with lazy loading Universal Image Loader you can view holder for smooth scrolling and performance. http..
Getting DrawerLayout to Slide over the ActionBar third party drawer implementation has not yet updated to the new UI standards Fork DrawerLayout and modify it to suit Roll your own navigation drawer from scratch I understand that I might be breaking some conventions and UI patterns here..
Android: How can I validate EditText input? Why don't you use TextWatcher Since you have a number of EditText boxes to be validated I think the following shall suit you Your activity implements android.text.TextWatcher interface You add TextChanged listeners to you EditText boxes txt1.addTextChangedListener..
what's design pattern principle in the Android development? Recently I joined an Android development team. The structure of Android confused me. The MVC design pattern seems not suit for Android development. So what's is the design pattern principle for Android development I means is there any hint about..
How to encode a WAV to a mp3 on a Android device JLayer or JLayerME http javalayer javalayer.html this may only be decode not sure If those doesn't suit your need you can look at this article from 2000 about adding MP3 capabilities to J2SE with source http
android design considerations: AsyncTask vs Service (IntentService?) For instance on BlackBerry this is IN TIMES easier. Definitely you need to use a Service . AsyncTask does not suit because it is tightly bound to your Activity via a Context handle otherwise you would not be able to update UI of the Activity..
Android Listview with spinner and a checkbox simple object that just holds some information about the element. This could be implemented in many other ways to suit your needs. There are also 3 key Android XML files I modified created main.xml modified the main layout rowview.xml added..
Grid of images inside ScrollView their scrolling and the recycling of their children. Nonetheless you can hack around this or create your own layout to suit your needs without too much difficulty. Off the top of my head I can think of two possibilities In my own app I have embedded..
Android user interface guidelines because we have not enough experience with such devices to rely on intuition. Desktop computer experience does not suit. Design for big fingers. You don't have a stylus and people have very different size of fingers. Design for the biggest..
How can I get a working vertical SeekBar in Android? one VerticalSeekBar in which the progress updates as expected and is fully functional but the thumb does not follow suit. This is only a graphical glitch so I'm overlooking it for now. But it would be nice to have that working. This SeekBar..
Animate the transition between fragments
Controlling Tab colour-state / size in a TabActivity? change its state colour to a list of my choice Also how can I get the state colour of the indicator TextView to follow suit Example In the capture above it's readable because I've set the textColor to a static grey instead of the bright white which..
Embedding ZXing in android app project compiled and running on your machine. There is a good tutorial on how to do this here . Adapt this code to suit your needs. I stripped a lot of the project away to just the basic scanner. I then built the rest of my project around it...
Decoding audio via Android using FFMpeg the audio_decode_example code found in the api_example.c file in libavcodec of the ffmpeg source and modify it to suit my needs. Below is the code. Just to note it doesn't dynamically pick the correct codec to decode with that is something..
Is there any way to view the log messages from our own application in android? same link above You might want to check out Coloured output for logcat. I've done some modifications to this script to suit better my needs so maybe you could adjust it too. I tried to send my modifications to the author but he didn't reply . ..
Samsung Galaxy S2 2.3.5+ not calling overScrollBy() Galaxy S2 2.3.5 not calling overScrollBy Seems like Samsung disabled their overscroll probably due to an Apple suit . I have an implementation of a view that extends ScrollView and overrides protected boolean overScrollBy int deltaX int..