android Programming Glossary: position_none
Remove Fragment Page from ViewPager in Android I also tried to use an FragmentStatePagerAdapter or return POSITION_NONE in the adapter's getItemPosition method. What am I doing wrong..
Android ViewPager - can't update dynamically @Override public int getItemPosition Object object return POSITION_NONE MyFragment public final class MyFragment extends Fragment private.. is fine where it is don't destroy or remove it. Returning POSITION_NONE fixes the problem by instead saying This object is no longer.. title if position 0 return position else return POSITION_NONE With this implementation only fragments displaying new titles..
reorder pages in FragmentStatePagerAdapter using getItemPosition(Object object) object successfully apart from setting everything to POSITION_NONE I am using the current revision 10 of the support library. ..
dynamically add and remove view to viewpager from left to right. If the page no longer exists return POSITION_NONE. @Override public int getItemPosition Object object int index.. object int index views.indexOf object if index 1 return POSITION_NONE else return index Used by ViewPager. Called when ViewPager..
Replace one Fragment with another in ViewPager mFragmentAtPos0 instanceof DetallesFacturaFragment return POSITION_NONE return POSITION_UNCHANGED ListFragment public class FacturasFragment.. mFragmentAtPos0 instanceof DetallesFacturaFragment return POSITION_NONE if object instanceof DetallesFacturaFragment mFragmentAtPos0.. mFragmentAtPos0 instanceof FacturasFragment return POSITION_NONE return POSITION_UNCHANGED FirstPageFragmentListener public..
ViewPager PagerAdapter not updating the View like this public int getItemPosition Object object return POSITION_NONE This way when you call notifyDataSetChanged the view pager will..
Update data in ListFragment as part of ViewPager @Override public int getItemPosition Object object return POSITION_NONE To make notifyDataSetChanged do something public class HomeListFragment..
Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager needs to be overridden in your adapter and must return POSITION_NONE when called with an old to be hidden fragment as argument. This.. mFragmentAtPos0 instanceof NextFragment return POSITION_NONE return POSITION_UNCHANGED public interface FirstPageFragmentListener..
Implementing Circular Scrolling In PagerAdapter @Override public int getItemPosition Object object return POSITION_NONE @Override public int getCount return uris.size public DocumentNewView..
Remove Fragment Page from ViewPager in Android want to remove the current item the last one gets removed. I also tried to use an FragmentStatePagerAdapter or return POSITION_NONE in the adapter's getItemPosition method. What am I doing wrong Here's a basic example public class MainActivity..
Android ViewPager - can't update dynamically slideCount public void setData String data data @Override public int getItemPosition Object object return POSITION_NONE MyFragment public final class MyFragment extends Fragment private String text public MyFragment String text Context context.. returns POSITION_UNCHANGED which means This object is fine where it is don't destroy or remove it. Returning POSITION_NONE fixes the problem by instead saying This object is no longer an item I'm displaying remove it. So it has the effect of removing.. item String title fragment.getTitle int position titles.indexOf title if position 0 return position else return POSITION_NONE With this implementation only fragments displaying new titles will get displayed. Any fragments displaying titles that..
reorder pages in FragmentStatePagerAdapter using getItemPosition(Object object) Surely somebody must have overridden getItemPosition Object object successfully apart from setting everything to POSITION_NONE I am using the current revision 10 of the support library. android android viewpager fragmentpageradapter share improve..
dynamically add and remove view to viewpager the page tell the ViewPager where the page should be displayed from left to right. If the page no longer exists return POSITION_NONE. @Override public int getItemPosition Object object int index views.indexOf object if index 1 return POSITION_NONE else.. POSITION_NONE. @Override public int getItemPosition Object object int index views.indexOf object if index 1 return POSITION_NONE else return index Used by ViewPager. Called when ViewPager needs a page to display it is our job to add the page to..
Replace one Fragment with another in ViewPager Object object if object instanceof FacturasFragment mFragmentAtPos0 instanceof DetallesFacturaFragment return POSITION_NONE return POSITION_UNCHANGED ListFragment public class FacturasFragment extends ListFragment private ListView lista private.. Object object if object instanceof FacturasFragment mFragmentAtPos0 instanceof DetallesFacturaFragment return POSITION_NONE if object instanceof DetallesFacturaFragment mFragmentAtPos0 instanceof FacturasFragment return POSITION_NONE return.. POSITION_NONE if object instanceof DetallesFacturaFragment mFragmentAtPos0 instanceof FacturasFragment return POSITION_NONE return POSITION_UNCHANGED FirstPageFragmentListener public interface FirstPageFragmentListener void onSwitchToNextFragment..
ViewPager PagerAdapter not updating the View inefficient. Override getItemPosition in your PagerAdapter like this public int getItemPosition Object object return POSITION_NONE This way when you call notifyDataSetChanged the view pager will remove all views and reload them all. As so the reload effect..
Update data in ListFragment as part of ViewPager position Attempt 2 fragId position frag.getId return frag @Override public int getItemPosition Object object return POSITION_NONE To make notifyDataSetChanged do something public class HomeListFragment extends ListFragment ... public static HomeListFragment..
Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager page. Thus to make fragment replacement work getItemPosition needs to be overridden in your adapter and must return POSITION_NONE when called with an old to be hidden fragment as argument. This also means that your adapter always needs to be aware of.. getItemPosition Object object if object instanceof FirstPageFragment mFragmentAtPos0 instanceof NextFragment return POSITION_NONE return POSITION_UNCHANGED public interface FirstPageFragmentListener void onSwitchToNextFragment Hope this helps anyone..
Implementing Circular Scrolling In PagerAdapter awesomePager this.customViewPager awesomePager @Override public int getItemPosition Object object return POSITION_NONE @Override public int getCount return uris.size public DocumentNewView addViewAt int position DocumentNewView mainView CommonLogic.logMessage..