android Programming Glossary: porttype
KSoap2 and KvmSerializable - How to Send complex Objects like Stringarrays element ns getCategoryObjectResponse wsdl message wsdl portType name HelloWorldWSPortType wsdl operation name getCategoryObject.. Action urn getCategoryObjectResponse wsdl operation wsdl portType wsdl binding name HelloWorldWSSoap11Binding type ns HelloWorldWSPortType..
passing objects to wcf soap service from android using ksoap2; it sends and receives 0 parameters element tns addParamResponse wsdl message wsdl portType name IService1 wsdl operation name ksoapAdd wsdl input message.. IService1 addParamResponse wsdl operation wsdl portType wsdl binding name BasicHttpBinding_IService1 type tns IService1..
getting HTTP request failed, HTTP status: 404 in ksoap2 while passing xml data to soap1.2 android parameters element tns ServiceResponse wsdl message wsdl portType name ISilentManagerAPI wsdl operation name Service wsdl input.. wsdl operation wsdl portType wsdl binding name WSHttpBinding_ISilentManagerAPI type tns ISilentManagerAPI..
Pass ArrayList data into SOAP web service in android sequence s complexType s element s schema wsdl types wsdl portType wsdl operation name insertResultUser wsdl input message tns.. message tns insertResultUserSoapOut wsdl operation wsdl portType The following structure of data is what I need to pass to the..
How to call a WCF service using ksoap2 on android? parameters element tns SayHelloResponse wsdl message wsdl portType name IService1 wsdl operation name SayHello wsdl input wsaw.. tns IService1_SayHello_OutputMessage wsdl operation wsdl portType wsdl binding name BasicHttpBinding_IService1 type tns IService1..
Sending a pdf file to client from server through web service impl sendPDFResponse name parameters wsdl message wsdl portType name SendPDFImpl wsdl operation name sendPDF wsdl input message.. sendPDFResponse name sendPDFResponse wsdl operation wsdl portType wsdl binding name SendPDFImplSoapBinding type impl SendPDFImpl..
How to create SOAP request via ksoap2 part name parameters element tns FReadStatus message ... portType name SmartPlugService operation name FReadStatus ... input wsam.. FReadStatus Fault InternalServiceException ... operation portType binding name SmartPlugServicePortBinding type tns SmartPlugService..
KSoap2 and KvmSerializable - How to Send complex Objects like Stringarrays name getCategoryObjectResponse wsdl part name parameters element ns getCategoryObjectResponse wsdl message wsdl portType name HelloWorldWSPortType wsdl operation name getCategoryObject wsdl input message ns getCategoryObjectRequest wsaw Action.. wsdl output message ns getCategoryObjectResponse wsaw Action urn getCategoryObjectResponse wsdl operation wsdl portType wsdl binding name HelloWorldWSSoap11Binding type ns HelloWorldWSPortType soap binding transport http
passing objects to wcf soap service from android using ksoap2; it sends and receives 0 message name IService1_addParam_OutputMessage wsdl part name parameters element tns addParamResponse wsdl message wsdl portType name IService1 wsdl operation name ksoapAdd wsdl input message tns IService1_ksoapAdd_InputMessage wsaw Action http tns IService1_addParam_OutputMessage wsaw Action http IService1 addParamResponse wsdl operation wsdl portType wsdl binding name BasicHttpBinding_IService1 type tns IService1 soap binding transport http soap http..
getting HTTP request failed, HTTP status: 404 in ksoap2 while passing xml data to soap1.2 android name ISilentManagerAPI_Service_OutputMessage wsdl part name parameters element tns ServiceResponse wsdl message wsdl portType name ISilentManagerAPI wsdl operation name Service wsdl input wsaw Action http ISilentManagerAPI Service message.. ISilentManagerAPI ServiceResponse message tns ISilentManagerAPI_Service_OutputMessage wsdl operation wsdl portType wsdl binding name WSHttpBinding_ISilentManagerAPI type tns ISilentManagerAPI wsp PolicyReference URI #WSHttpBinding_ISilentManagerAPI_policy..
Pass ArrayList data into SOAP web service in android 0 maxOccurs 1 name insertResultUserResult type s string s sequence s complexType s element s schema wsdl types wsdl portType wsdl operation name insertResultUser wsdl input message tns insertResultUserSoapIn wsdl output message tns insertResultUserSoapOut.. wsdl input message tns insertResultUserSoapIn wsdl output message tns insertResultUserSoapOut wsdl operation wsdl portType The following structure of data is what I need to pass to the web service as described above. dt anyType DocumentElement..
How to call a WCF service using ksoap2 on android? message name IService1_SayHello_OutputMessage wsdl part name parameters element tns SayHelloResponse wsdl message wsdl portType name IService1 wsdl operation name SayHello wsdl input wsaw Action http IService1 SayHello message tns IService1_SayHello_InputMessage.. Action http IService1 SayHelloResponse message tns IService1_SayHello_OutputMessage wsdl operation wsdl portType wsdl binding name BasicHttpBinding_IService1 type tns IService1 soap binding transport http soap http..
Sending a pdf file to client from server through web service message wsdl message name sendPDFResponse wsdl part element impl sendPDFResponse name parameters wsdl message wsdl portType name SendPDFImpl wsdl operation name sendPDF wsdl input message impl sendPDFRequest name sendPDFRequest wsdl output message.. sendPDFRequest name sendPDFRequest wsdl output message impl sendPDFResponse name sendPDFResponse wsdl operation wsdl portType wsdl binding name SendPDFImplSoapBinding type impl SendPDFImpl wsdlsoap binding style document transport http
How to create SOAP request via ksoap2 xsd 1 xsd schema types message name FReadStatus part name parameters element tns FReadStatus message ... portType name SmartPlugService operation name FReadStatus ... input wsam Action http poweb13 SmartPlugService FReadStatusRequest.. wsam Action http poweb13 SmartPlugService FReadStatus Fault InternalServiceException ... operation portType binding name SmartPlugServicePortBinding type tns SmartPlugService soap binding transport http soap..