android Programming Glossary: poly
What's Android ADB shell 'dumpsys' tool and it's benefits? 4201 temperature 271 Battery temperature technology Li poly Battery technology 2 Getting wifi informations ~ adb shell dumpsys..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] private String country private int length private String polyline public Route points new ArrayList GeoPoint segments new.. the length public int getLength return length @param polyline the polyline to set public void setPolyline String polyline.. public int getLength return length @param polyline the polyline to set public void setPolyline String polyline this.polyline..
Can anyone guide me how to get Google Directions between two locations using JSON JSONObject overviewPolylines routes.getJSONObject overview_polyline String encodedString overviewPolylines.getString points.. List GeoPoint decodePoly String encoded List GeoPoint poly new ArrayList GeoPoint int index 0 len encoded.length int lat.. GeoPoint int double lat 1E5 1E6 int double lng 1E5 1E6 poly.add p return poly private String makeUrl GeoPoint scrgeoPoint..
Android: How to draw route directions google maps API V2 from current location to destination new LatLng lat lng locationNode nl2.item getNodeIndex nl2 polyline nl3 locationNode.getChildNodes latNode nl3.item getNodeIndex.. LatLng decodePoly String encoded ArrayList LatLng poly new ArrayList LatLng int index 0 len encoded.length int lat.. LatLng position new LatLng double lat 1E5 double lng 1E5 poly.add position return poly then use this class for your needs..
How to draw road directions between two geocodes in android google map v2? direction in android like the below image. i tried using polyline but this plots a straight lines betweens two LatLngs. How.. .getJSONArray steps for int k 0 k jSteps.length k String polyline polyline String JSONObject JSONObject jSteps.get k .get.. steps for int k 0 k jSteps.length k String polyline polyline String JSONObject JSONObject jSteps.get k .get polyline..
Highlight a specified route on Google Maps v2 Android start and end lat long co ordinates and their polyline value. For example If I send the request http b u003e toward u003cb u003eMartello Court u003c b u003e polyline points woceIvgmd@O DOkDQqF So far my application parses.. how to do this on the new Google Maps API v2. I see that polyline's are used instead of overlays to draw lines on Google Maps..
Draw driving route between 2 GeoPoints on GoogleMap SupportMapFragment 0.5 mi end_location lng 2.25758 lat 53.45005 polyline points ctfeIh yLrBaEdAoB`@w@N BKDM@Q@M WC AAgAGyG mAI.. 0.5 mi end_location lng 2.25703 lat 53.44339 polyline points ymfeIz wLJ@v@TL@N H HAHCJEXKhAy@JGTEH BAzAExAAN.. 1.6 mi end_location lng 2.21852 lat 53.44261 polyline points edeeIlywLAsGAgA@ D@m@@ EFqGHcG LmGHaFDyD@gB sC..
clickable area of image for Kansas will look something like this area shape poly coords 243 162 318 162 325 172 325 196 244 196 id @ id area14..
How to draw interactive Polyline on route google maps v2 android v2 android i have the following code which is drawing polylines for me and working fine But the problem is that its not.. fine But the problem is that its not drawing interactive polylines drawn lines are missing some pixels import overviewPolylines routes .getJSONObject overview_polyline String encodedString overviewPolylines.getString points..
android get and parse Google Directions also to know what represents this tag in the xml overview_polyline points a~l~Fjk~uOnzh@vlbBtc~@tsE`vnApw A`dw@~w tNtqf@l Yd_Fblh@rxo@b.. levels overview_polyline thanks java android google maps share improve this question.. I found this example on the web I'll try to use it. polyline decoding example private List GeoPoint decodePoly String..
What's Android ADB shell 'dumpsys' tool and it's benefits? true status 5 health 2 present true level 100 scale 100 voltage 4201 temperature 271 Battery temperature technology Li poly Battery technology 2 Getting wifi informations ~ adb shell dumpsys wifi Output Wi Fi is enabled Stay awake conditions 3..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] segments private String copyright private String warning private String country private int length private String polyline public Route points new ArrayList GeoPoint segments new ArrayList Segment public void addPoint final GeoPoint p .. void setLength int length this.length length @return the length public int getLength return length @param polyline the polyline to set public void setPolyline String polyline this.polyline polyline @return the polyline public.. int length this.length length @return the length public int getLength return length @param polyline the polyline to set public void setPolyline String polyline this.polyline polyline @return the polyline public String getPolyline..
Can anyone guide me how to get Google Directions between two locations using JSON routes JSONObject routes routeArray.getJSONObject 0 JSONObject overviewPolylines routes.getJSONObject overview_polyline String encodedString overviewPolylines.getString points List GeoPoint pointToDraw decodePoly encodedString mMapView.getOverlays.. e.printStackTrace catch Exception e e.printStackTrace private List GeoPoint decodePoly String encoded List GeoPoint poly new ArrayList GeoPoint int index 0 len encoded.length int lat 0 lng 0 while index len int b shift 0 result 0 do b encoded.charAt.. dlng result 1 0 ~ result 1 result 1 lng dlng GeoPoint p new GeoPoint int double lat 1E5 1E6 int double lng 1E5 1E6 poly.add p return poly private String makeUrl GeoPoint scrgeoPoint GeoPoint destgeoPoint GeoPoint destgeopointsearch StringBuilder..
Android: How to draw route directions google maps API V2 from current location to destination lngNode.getTextContent listGeopoints.add new LatLng lat lng locationNode nl2.item getNodeIndex nl2 polyline nl3 locationNode.getChildNodes latNode nl3.item getNodeIndex nl3 points ArrayList LatLng arr decodePoly latNode.getTextContent.. i .getNodeName .equals nodename return i return 1 private ArrayList LatLng decodePoly String encoded ArrayList LatLng poly new ArrayList LatLng int index 0 len encoded.length int lat 0 lng 0 while index len int b shift 0 result 0 do b encoded.charAt.. while b 0x20 int dlng result 1 0 ~ result 1 result 1 lng dlng LatLng position new LatLng double lat 1E5 double lng 1E5 poly.add position return poly then use this class for your needs for example to draw directions md new GMapV2Direction mMap SupportMapFragment..
How to draw road directions between two geocodes in android google map v2? two geocodes in android google map v2 i want to draw a road direction in android like the below image. i tried using polyline but this plots a straight lines betweens two LatLngs. How can i achieve this as same as the google map. thanks in advance... for int j 0 j jLegs.length j jSteps JSONObject jLegs.get j .getJSONArray steps for int k 0 k jSteps.length k String polyline polyline String JSONObject JSONObject jSteps.get k .get polyline .get points List LatLng list decodePoly polyline.. 0 j jLegs.length j jSteps JSONObject jLegs.get j .getJSONArray steps for int k 0 k jSteps.length k String polyline polyline String JSONObject JSONObject jSteps.get k .get polyline .get points List LatLng list decodePoly polyline for int l..
Highlight a specified route on Google Maps v2 Android including the names of every road along the route their corresponding start and end lat long co ordinates and their polyline value. For example If I send the request http maps api directions json origin redfern ave dublin.. u003eeast u003c b u003e on u003cb u003eRedfern Ave. u003c b u003e toward u003cb u003eMartello Court u003c b u003e polyline points woceIvgmd@O DOkDQqF So far my application parses this information and simply lists the roads and directions.. A to B on a map however I've found nothing useful online on how to do this on the new Google Maps API v2. I see that polyline's are used instead of overlays to draw lines on Google Maps v2 however from what I can tell they only draw straight..
Draw driving route between 2 GeoPoints on GoogleMap SupportMapFragment duration value 83 text 1 min distance value 729 text 0.5 mi end_location lng 2.25758 lat 53.45005 polyline points ctfeIh yLrBaEdAoB`@w@N BKDM@Q@M WC AAgAGyG mAI GG JM_HAo@ travel_mode DRIVING start_location lng 2.26773.. value 96 text 2 mins distance value 747 text 0.5 mi end_location lng 2.25703 lat 53.44339 polyline points ymfeIz wLJ@v@TL@N H HAHCJEXKhAy@JGTEH BAzAExAAN z@Cb@ dA d@AdFKxCGfCC travel_mode DRIVING start_location.. value 249 text 4 mins distance value 2565 text 1.6 mi end_location lng 2.21852 lat 53.44261 polyline points edeeIlywLAsGAgA@ D@m@@ EFqGHcG LmGHaFDyD@gB sC oDIw@ i@AuACoCKiGWcNe@mQKcEK DASAe@C AAcAAq@ _B mABkALkCFgBF..
clickable area of image ordinates you can create your mappedimage from here co ordinates for Kansas will look something like this area shape poly coords 243 162 318 162 325 172 325 196 244 196 id @ id area14 name Kansas Reference Please have a look at Android Image..
How to draw interactive Polyline on route google maps v2 android to draw interactive Polyline on route google maps v2 android i have the following code which is drawing polylines for me and working fine But the problem is that its not drawing interactive polylines drawn lines are missing some.. following code which is drawing polylines for me and working fine But the problem is that its not drawing interactive polylines drawn lines are missing some pixels import import import routes JSONObject routes routeArray.getJSONObject 0 JSONObject overviewPolylines routes .getJSONObject overview_polyline String encodedString overviewPolylines.getString points List LatLng list decodePoly encodedString for int z 0 z list.size..
android get and parse Google Directions draw the obtained directions on an Android MapView. I'd like also to know what represents this tag in the xml overview_polyline points a~l~Fjk~uOnzh@vlbBtc~@tsE`vnApw A`dw@~w tNtqf@l Yd_Fblh@rxo@b @xxSfytAblk@xxaBeJxlcBb~t@zbh@jc Bx C`rv@rw @rlhA~dVzeo@vrSnc.. points levels BBBAAAAABAABAAAAAABBAAABBAAAABBAAABABAAABABBAABAABAAAABABABABBABAABB levels overview_polyline thanks java android google maps share improve this question I found this example on the web I'll try to use it... thanks java android google maps share improve this question I found this example on the web I'll try to use it. polyline decoding example private List GeoPoint decodePoly String encoded List GeoPoint poly new ArrayList GeoPoint int index..