android Programming Glossary: popping
Android Canvas Redo and Undo Operation you're going to have a problem as soon as you undo you're popping that empty Path first making the first undo not seem to work...
How to see the activity stack in debug? in debug I have a problem that one of my activities is popping out after I think I finished it. Is there a way to see the stack..
Asynchronous communication between Javascript and Phonegap Plugin WifiManager class. Registered the receiver. And finally popping a Toast when WiFi is enabled disabled and sending the result..
How do I resolve the authentication message that keeps popping up in a webview? do I resolve the authentication message that keeps popping up in a webview I have a webview with authentication in which.. authentication in which the authentication message keeps popping up for the webview fragment when called.The authentication popup..
Android - Animate a View's topMargin/bottomMargin/etc in LinearLayout or RelativeLayout animation Cancel the animation to stop the menu from popping back. menuLinearLayout.clearAnimation Set the new bottom margin...
Android: Have an arbitrary View slide under another View like the software keyboard does It becomes a part of the current layout instead of popping up over the top of it. I'd like to to this exact thing with..
Android EditText onClickListener that you chose because each time you give it focus you are popping this dialog. Since you are using it as a TextView why not just..
Android on-screen keyboard auto popping up on screen keyboard auto popping up One of my apps has an opening screen basically a menu that.. reporting that when they open the app it's automatically popping up the on screen keyboard without them even touching the EditText..
adb command not found in linux environment not found I am not getting clearly why this error is popping up every time. Please help me. Thanks in advance. Praween android..
How do I determine if Android can handle PDF pdf as well depending on your use case or do things like popping up alerts or redirecting do other intents for download or whatever...
Automatic popping up keyboard on start Activity popping up keyboard on start Activity I got a relative simple question...
Android, Autocomplettextview, force text to be from the entry list be blanked but you could put any kind of action here like popping up a dialog Whatever value you return here must be in the..
How to hide status bar in Android on Edittext which is in my Activity then keyboard is popping out and i can be able to scroll to see remaining views. But..
Couldn't get connection factory client
How to get a Fragment to remove itself, i.e. its equivalent of finish()? remove fragments Df Cf and Bf I tried having the fragment popping itself off the stack but this resulted in an exception. onActivityResult..
Drawable vs Single reusable Bitmap better with memory? removed while still in use It seems like these issues keep popping up in different forms but I can't really get a straight answer..
How do you compile an Android project into an .apk file in Eclipse without launching the emulator? via my web server and the emulator is getting annoying popping up every time. android eclipse sdk android emulator apk share..
Android - How to filter specific apps for ACTION_SEND intent intent to go directly to facebook or twitter rather than popping up the dialog. If that were the case then I could create my..
Android Canvas Redo and Undo Operation By adding your empty Path to paths as soon as you make it you're going to have a problem as soon as you undo you're popping that empty Path first making the first undo not seem to work. Then if you draw into that Path it's not added to paths ...
How to see the activity stack in debug? to see the activity stack in debug I have a problem that one of my activities is popping out after I think I finished it. Is there a way to see the stack of the activities android activity stack share improve..
Asynchronous communication between Javascript and Phonegap Plugin a BroadcastReceiver listening to the WiFi events using the WifiManager class. Registered the receiver. And finally popping a Toast when WiFi is enabled disabled and sending the result using CallbackContext callbackContext.sendPluginResult new..
How do I resolve the authentication message that keeps popping up in a webview? do I resolve the authentication message that keeps popping up in a webview I have a webview with authentication in which the authentication message keeps popping up for the webview.. that keeps popping up in a webview I have a webview with authentication in which the authentication message keeps popping up for the webview fragment when called.The authentication popup is the fault code 410 already signed in sign in cancel..
Android - Animate a View's topMargin/bottomMargin/etc in LinearLayout or RelativeLayout public void onAnimationEnd Animation animation Cancel the animation to stop the menu from popping back. menuLinearLayout.clearAnimation Set the new bottom margin. setBottomMargin menuLinearLayout toMargin public void..
Android: Have an arbitrary View slide under another View like the software keyboard does vertically oriented LinearLayout only making the ListView smaller. It becomes a part of the current layout instead of popping up over the top of it. I'd like to to this exact thing with my own custom View. Does the question make sense at all android..
Android EditText onClickListener since you wouldn't even be able to make changes to a date that you chose because each time you give it focus you are popping this dialog. Since you are using it as a TextView why not just use an actual TextView coupled with a button When the button..
Android on-screen keyboard auto popping up on screen keyboard auto popping up One of my apps has an opening screen basically a menu that has an EditText followed by several Button s. The problem.. several Button s. The problem is that several of my users are reporting that when they open the app it's automatically popping up the on screen keyboard without them even touching the EditText . As far as I can tell all of these users are using the..
adb command not found in linux environment workspace BluetoothChat bin BluetoothChat.apk bash adb command not found I am not getting clearly why this error is popping up every time. Please help me. Thanks in advance. Praween android share improve this question I found the solution..
How do I determine if Android can handle PDF pdf. Of course you could do the check before you download the pdf as well depending on your use case or do things like popping up alerts or redirecting do other intents for download or whatever. Edit I have since refactored this out into a separate..
Automatic popping up keyboard on start Activity popping up keyboard on start Activity I got a relative simple question. I have an activity with a lot of EditText's in them. When..
Android, Autocomplettextview, force text to be from the entry list I'm just returning an empty string here so the field will be blanked but you could put any kind of action here like popping up a dialog Whatever value you return here must be in the list of valid words. return class FocusListener implements..
How to hide status bar in Android I am having some widgets or views. Suppose if the user clicks on Edittext which is in my Activity then keyboard is popping out and i can be able to scroll to see remaining views. But if i give this attribute android theme @android style Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen..
Couldn't get connection factory client
How to get a Fragment to remove itself, i.e. its equivalent of finish()? is what to do in Df when 'OK' is pressed in order to remove fragments Df Cf and Bf I tried having the fragment popping itself off the stack but this resulted in an exception. onActivityResult is useless because I have not loaded up the fragment..
Drawable vs Single reusable Bitmap better with memory? careful about recycle method on Bitmaps because they can be removed while still in use It seems like these issues keep popping up in different forms but I can't really get a straight answer from anyone on the matter. One person says to reuse a Bitmap..
How do you compile an Android project into an .apk file in Eclipse without launching the emulator? because I have my own seperate method of getting it on my phone via my web server and the emulator is getting annoying popping up every time. android eclipse sdk android emulator apk share improve this question I had a problem that it would not..
Android - How to filter specific apps for ACTION_SEND intent problem could also be solved if I could use the ACTION_SEND intent to go directly to facebook or twitter rather than popping up the dialog. If that were the case then I could create my own dialog and when they click Facebook create a Facebook specific..