android Programming Glossary: postdelayed
How to auto slide android View Pager i true If some one needs more slower scroll they can use postDelayed like this... static int i 0 private final Handler handler new.. 1 mPager.setCurrentItem i true handle.postDelayed TopChartAnimation 100 i Sleep is always NOT recommended..
How to pause / sleep thread or process in Android? your code by removing the Timer and using the Handler's postDelayed method @Override public void onClick View v my_button.setBackgroundResource.. 2 SECONDS HERE ... Handler handler new Handler handler.postDelayed new Runnable public void run my_button.setBackgroundResource..
How to set a timer in android
Android - Controlling a task with Timer and TimerTask? necessarily need Timer and TimerTask you can always use postDelayed available on Handler and on any View . This will schedule a..
Mapview getLatitudeSpan and getLongitudeSpan not working add detection logic to find the invalid values then call postDelayed on your MapView or some other View to invoke your method again.. also need to add some sort of counter so you don't do this postDelayed stuff indefinitely. This of course is a hack. But with the Google..
Android: Dialog box show soft keyboard automatically when focus is on an EditText not working share improve this question What you can do is try using postDelayed Runnable for EditText as below ettext.requestFocus ettext.postDelayed.. for EditText as below ettext.requestFocus ettext.postDelayed new Runnable @Override public void run InputMethodManager..
How do you have the code pause for a couple of seconds in android? your own events is in the Handler class. The method postDelayed lets you schedule a Runnable that will be executed after a certain.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState mHandler.postDelayed new Runnable public void run doStuff 5000 private void doStuff.. a custom View it's even easier. Views have their own postDelayed method that will get everything posted to the correct Handler..
Java/android how to start an AsyncTask after 3 seconds of delay? improve this question You can use Handler for that. Use postDelayed Runnable long for that. Handler#postDelayed Runnable Long ..
Android change layout dynamically and the setVisibility inside of a runnable and using postDelayed as markus mentioned. Do consider doing some work while this..
HorizontalScrollView: auto-scroll to end when new Views are added? s.fullScroll HorizontalScrollView.FOCUS_RIGHT with postDelayed new Runnable public void run s.fullScroll HorizontalScrollView.FOCUS_RIGHT..
How to control volume in android?
Android regular task (cronjob equivalent) could use Timer TimerTask and a Handler or you could use postDelayed and an AsyncTask. Here Android Repetitive Task I am still learning.. an example of how to use time timertask and handler OR postDelayed and AsyncTask. Thanks in advance java android timer cron ..
Android: How to stop media (mp3) in playing when specific milliseconds come? the playback. Start the player and then use the Handler's postDelayed to schedule the execution of a Runnable that will stop the player... void onSeekComplete MediaPlayer mp mPlayer.start mHandler.postDelayed mStopAction mEndTime mStartTime Note also that the MediaPlayer.create..
Repeat a task with a time delay? share improve this question You should use Handler 's postDelayed function for this purpose. It will run your code with specified.. this function can change value of mInterval. mHandler.postDelayed mStatusChecker mInterval void startRepeatingTask
Implementing Circular Scrolling In PagerAdapter Scroll State Changed TAG Log.VERBOSE postDelayed new Runnable @Override public void run awesomePager.setCurrentItem.. Scroll State Changed TAG Log.VERBOSE postDelayed new Runnable @Override public void run awesomePager.setCurrentItem..
How to auto slide android View Pager for int i 0 i mAdapter.getCount 1 i mPager.setCurrentItem i true If some one needs more slower scroll they can use postDelayed like this... static int i 0 private final Handler handler new Handler somefunction ViewPagerVisibleScroll Runnable.. new Runnable @Override public void run if i mAdapter.getCount 1 mPager.setCurrentItem i true handle.postDelayed TopChartAnimation 100 i Sleep is always NOT recommended If some one needs more slower scroll they may use a sleep in..
How to pause / sleep thread or process in Android? share improve this question You could simplify your code by removing the Timer and using the Handler's postDelayed method @Override public void onClick View v my_button.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.icon SLEEP 2 SECONDS HERE ... Handler..
How to set a timer in android
Android - Controlling a task with Timer and TimerTask? or cancel on the Timer instead of the TimerTask If you do not necessarily need Timer and TimerTask you can always use postDelayed available on Handler and on any View . This will schedule a Runnable to be executed on the UI thread after a delay. To have..
Mapview getLatitudeSpan and getLongitudeSpan not working and the AsyncTask probably as you're doing today. But add detection logic to find the invalid values then call postDelayed on your MapView or some other View to invoke your method again after a few hundred milliseconds if the values are invalid... few hundred milliseconds if the values are invalid. You may also need to add some sort of counter so you don't do this postDelayed stuff indefinitely. This of course is a hack. But with the Google Maps component not being open source it is difficult to..
Android: Dialog box show soft keyboard automatically when focus is on an EditText not working any idea on how to apply it android android softkeyboard share improve this question What you can do is try using postDelayed Runnable for EditText as below ettext.requestFocus ettext.postDelayed new Runnable @Override public void run InputMethodManager.. this question What you can do is try using postDelayed Runnable for EditText as below ettext.requestFocus ettext.postDelayed new Runnable @Override public void run InputMethodManager keyboard InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE..
How do you have the code pause for a couple of seconds in android? way to tell your app do this later. In Android the key to posting your own events is in the Handler class. The method postDelayed lets you schedule a Runnable that will be executed after a certain number of milliseconds. If you have an Activity that.. new Handler @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState mHandler.postDelayed new Runnable public void run doStuff 5000 private void doStuff Toast.makeText this Delayed Toast Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show.. you will see the toast created in doStuff . If you're writing a custom View it's even easier. Views have their own postDelayed method that will get everything posted to the correct Handler and you don't need to create your own. The second rule is..
Java/android how to start an AsyncTask after 3 seconds of delay?
Android change layout dynamically could make this run after 3 seconds by putting the startAnimation and the setVisibility inside of a runnable and using postDelayed as markus mentioned. Do consider doing some work while this intro layout is on the screen though so its not just a 3 second..
HorizontalScrollView: auto-scroll to end when new Views are added? of the linearlayout hasn't had a chance to expand. Try replacing s.fullScroll HorizontalScrollView.FOCUS_RIGHT with postDelayed new Runnable public void run s.fullScroll HorizontalScrollView.FOCUS_RIGHT 100L The short delay should give the system enough..
How to control volume in android?
Android regular task (cronjob equivalent) the answer response was If this is in a running activity you could use Timer TimerTask and a Handler or you could use postDelayed and an AsyncTask. Here Android Repetitive Task I am still learning how to program android. I have gone through the skills.. threads and had many issues with my code. Can anyone give an example of how to use time timertask and handler OR postDelayed and AsyncTask. Thanks in advance java android timer cron share improve this question I have a feeling this may help..
Android: How to stop media (mp3) in playing when specific milliseconds come? best approach is to use a Handler to time the stopping of the playback. Start the player and then use the Handler's postDelayed to schedule the execution of a Runnable that will stop the player. You should also start the player only after the initial.. public void onDestroy mPlayer.release @Override public void onSeekComplete MediaPlayer mp mPlayer.start mHandler.postDelayed mStopAction mEndTime mStartTime Note also that the MediaPlayer.create method you are using returns a MediaPlayer that has..
Repeat a task with a time delay? delay and it failed. Any better way to get this done android share improve this question You should use Handler 's postDelayed function for this purpose. It will run your code with specified delay on the main UI thread so you will be able to update.. new Runnable @Override public void run updateStatus this function can change value of mInterval. mHandler.postDelayed mStatusChecker mInterval void startRepeatingTask void stopRepeatingTask mHandler.removeCallbacks mStatusChecker..
Implementing Circular Scrolling In PagerAdapter ViewPager.SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING viewerPage uris.size 1 CommonLogic.logMessage Scroll State Changed TAG Log.VERBOSE postDelayed new Runnable @Override public void run awesomePager.setCurrentItem 0 true 200 I have also used this to detect whether.. 0 lastPosition uris.size 1 viewerPage 0 posOffset 0 CommonLogic.logMessage Scroll State Changed TAG Log.VERBOSE postDelayed new Runnable @Override public void run awesomePager.setCurrentItem uris.size 1 true 200 Also the PagerAdapter i.e AwesomweAdapter..