android Programming Glossary: pops
How to handle screen orientation change when progress dialog and background thread active? activity in a background thread. Before starting it pops up a progress dialog. The dialog is dismissed on the handler...
Does Android support near real time push notification to the iPhone and messages binary packets to the app which pops up alerts incredibly quickly between 0.5 5 seconds from server..
Problems with Android Fragment back stack now we have frag3 on the layout press back button System pops the back stack and find the following saved back entry to be..
Google Play Game Services - unable to sign in as test users. But when I test the SignInButton an alert pops up Unknown error . Here's the logcat ERROR Volley il.a Unexpected..
LogCat message: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included my location and the problem went away. The error message pops up due to mMap.setMyLocationEnabled true when Google Location..
Turn off autosuggest for EditText? to programmatically turn off that autosuggest list which pops up as you type in EditText android share improve this question..
Detecting which selected item (in a ListView) spawned the ContextMenu (Android) .show return true but it just hangs until an ANR pops up. I suspect that after the menu is created the ListItem is..
Best way to add Activity to an Android project in Eclipse? screen Choose Activity from the list in the dialog that pops up if you have the option you want to create a new top level..
Android on-screen keyboard auto popping up activity's onCreate method to make sure the keyboard only pops up when a user clicks into an EditText this.getWindow .setSoftInputMode..
How do I get preferences to work in Android? out how. Here they are I press the menu button and this pops up. Great. I'll click Settings. Now the preferences pops up... pops up. Great. I'll click Settings. Now the preferences pops up. Here is my preferences.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf..
How to create a completely custom Dialogue/Popup in Android (change overlay colour and dialogue window layout) and or completely customizing the dialogue window that pops up and turning it more into an overlay with no window . android..
Eclipse Android SDK slow Content Assist performance I finish an object with a period and the context box pops up its becoming too painful to work with. I changed some settings..
Android: how does application Protector app work? in there. then whenever you try to launch locked app it pops in its Lockscreen activity. so you enter the password there..
Can I avoid the native fullscreen video player with HTML5 on iPhone or android? Safari. On an iPhone or a DroidX the native video player pops up and takes over the screen thus obscuring the other dynamic..
Android post JSON using HTTP something that your still confused about... etc whatever pops in your head really. I will take down if Justin Grammens does..
Android 3.1 USB-Host - BroadcastReceiver does not receive USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED Toast.makeText context Action action 3 .show pops up only if action DETACHED I don't understand why the same intent..
Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate] the .xml file this puts the first edittext into focus and pops up the keyboard. I admit this is a hack but I am assuming you..
Extending MediaController for android It the above is working my default MediaController still pops up and has all the same functionality. The question is now how..
How to open only half keyboard in Landscape mode? EditText node in the xml will make it so that the keyboard pops up on half the screen and lets you edit the text right IN the..
How to handle screen orientation change when progress dialog and background thread active? dialog and background thread active My program does some network activity in a background thread. Before starting it pops up a progress dialog. The dialog is dismissed on the handler. This all works fine except when screen orientation changes..
Does Android support near real time push notification a bespoke protocol which keeps an always on data connection to the iPhone and messages binary packets to the app which pops up alerts incredibly quickly between 0.5 5 seconds from server app send to phone app response time. This is sent as data..
Problems with Android Fragment back stack is saving only TRANSACTION not the FRAGMENT as itself So now we have frag3 on the layout press back button System pops the back stack and find the following saved back entry to be reversed Transaction.remove frag1 .add frag2 so the system..
Google Play Game Services - unable to sign in login flow and achievements I've added two Google accounts as test users. But when I test the SignInButton an alert pops up Unknown error . Here's the logcat ERROR Volley il.a Unexpected response code 403 for https games v1..
LogCat message: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included Google Maps could find my location and my app could find my location and the problem went away. The error message pops up due to mMap.setMyLocationEnabled true when Google Location Services is not enabled. Edit After doing some more testing..
Turn off autosuggest for EditText? off autosuggest for EditText Is there a way to programmatically turn off that autosuggest list which pops up as you type in EditText android share improve this question I had the same question but I still wanted to set this..
Detecting which selected item (in a ListView) spawned the ContextMenu (Android) DisplayScheduleActivity.this toastText Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show return true but it just hangs until an ANR pops up. I suspect that after the menu is created the ListItem is no longer selected. It looks like you could monitor for clicks..
Best way to add Activity to an Android project in Eclipse? Add.. under the Application Nodes heading bottom left of the screen Choose Activity from the list in the dialog that pops up if you have the option you want to create a new top level element Click on the Name link under the Attributes for header..
Android on-screen keyboard auto popping up question You can use the following line of code in the activity's onCreate method to make sure the keyboard only pops up when a user clicks into an EditText this.getWindow .setSoftInputMode WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_ALWAYS_HIDDEN..
How do I get preferences to work in Android? shown above because I cannot for the life of me figure out how. Here they are I press the menu button and this pops up. Great. I'll click Settings. Now the preferences pops up. Here is my preferences.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 PreferenceScreen.. out how. Here they are I press the menu button and this pops up. Great. I'll click Settings. Now the preferences pops up. Here is my preferences.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 PreferenceScreen xmlns android http apk..
How to create a completely custom Dialogue/Popup in Android (change overlay colour and dialogue window layout) seen anything regarding changing the colour of the overlay and or completely customizing the dialogue window that pops up and turning it more into an overlay with no window . android dialog popup overlay share improve this question I've..
Eclipse Android SDK slow Content Assist performance So its doing something whatever it is. But frequently everytime I finish an object with a period and the context box pops up its becoming too painful to work with. I changed some settings in the Eclipse.ini file such as Xms1024m Xmx1024m launcher.XXMaxPermSize..
Android: how does application Protector app work? Basically what you do is set all the apps you want to lock in there. then whenever you try to launch locked app it pops in its Lockscreen activity. so you enter the password there and get access to the locked app. It uses the following permissions..
Can I avoid the native fullscreen video player with HTML5 on iPhone or android? video. It works great in desktop browsers Firefox Chrome and Safari. On an iPhone or a DroidX the native video player pops up and takes over the screen thus obscuring the other dynamic content that I want to display simultaneously with the video...
Android post JSON using HTTP I have not made something clear or if I have not touched on something that your still confused about... etc whatever pops in your head really. I will take down if Justin Grammens does not approve. But if not then thanks Justin for being cool..
Android 3.1 USB-Host - BroadcastReceiver does not receive USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED onReceive Context context Intent intent String action intent.getAction Toast.makeText context Action action 3 .show pops up only if action DETACHED I don't understand why the same intent filter works if I use them on an activity but not if they..
Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate] All I've done is added an empty Scrollview to the bottom of the .xml file this puts the first edittext into focus and pops up the keyboard. I admit this is a hack but I am assuming you just want this to work. I've tested it and it works fine...
Extending MediaController for android vidPlayer.setMediaController controller It the above is working my default MediaController still pops up and has all the same functionality. The question is now how do I go about actually repositioning the controller from..
How to open only half keyboard in Landscape mode? Adding this android imeOptions flagNoExtractUi to your EditText node in the xml will make it so that the keyboard pops up on half the screen and lets you edit the text right IN the text field in your UI rather than in its own full screen text..