android Programming Glossary: postid
Updated - Android Facebook api 3.0 error: Cannot call LoginActivity with a null calling package response.getGraphObject .getInnerJSONObject String postId null try postId graphResponse.getString id catch JSONException.. .getInnerJSONObject String postId null try postId graphResponse.getString id catch JSONException e setVisibilityForRepublishButton.. error JSON error e.getMessage Toast.makeText context postId Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show finish Request request new Request..
Facebook sdk 3.0.1 is not working properly response .getGraphObject .getInnerJSONObject String postId null try postId graphResponse.getString id catch Exception.. .getInnerJSONObject String postId null try postId graphResponse.getString id catch Exception e Log.i Test ..
Post to facebook after login fails Android response.getGraphObject .getInnerJSONObject String postId null try postId graphResponse.getString id catch JSONException.. .getInnerJSONObject String postId null try postId graphResponse.getString id catch JSONException e Log.i JSON..
how to find out or fetch all friend list of facebook with their profile pic,name and id public void onComplete Bundle values final String postId values.getString post_id if postId null showToast Message.. values final String postId values.getString post_id if postId null showToast Message posted on the wall. else ..
Updated - Android Facebook api 3.0 error: Cannot call LoginActivity with a null calling package Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else JSONObject graphResponse response.getGraphObject .getInnerJSONObject String postId null try postId graphResponse.getString id catch JSONException e setVisibilityForRepublishButton true Log.i Facebook.. .show else JSONObject graphResponse response.getGraphObject .getInnerJSONObject String postId null try postId graphResponse.getString id catch JSONException e setVisibilityForRepublishButton true Log.i Facebook error JSON error.. e setVisibilityForRepublishButton true Log.i Facebook error JSON error e.getMessage Toast.makeText context postId Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show finish Request request new Request Session.getActiveSession me feed postParams HttpMethod.POST..
Facebook sdk 3.0.1 is not working properly void onCompleted Response response JSONObject graphResponse response .getGraphObject .getInnerJSONObject String postId null try postId graphResponse.getString id catch Exception e Log.i Test JSON error e.getMessage FacebookRequestError.. Response response JSONObject graphResponse response .getGraphObject .getInnerJSONObject String postId null try postId graphResponse.getString id catch Exception e Log.i Test JSON error e.getMessage FacebookRequestError error response.getError..
Post to facebook after login fails Android public void onCompleted Response response JSONObject graphResponse response.getGraphObject .getInnerJSONObject String postId null try postId graphResponse.getString id catch JSONException e Log.i JSON JSON error e.getMessage FacebookRequestError.. Response response JSONObject graphResponse response.getGraphObject .getInnerJSONObject String postId null try postId graphResponse.getString id catch JSONException e Log.i JSON JSON error e.getMessage FacebookRequestError error response.getError..
how to find out or fetch all friend list of facebook with their profile pic,name and id wall. public class PostDialogListener extends BaseDialogListener public void onComplete Bundle values final String postId values.getString post_id if postId null showToast Message posted on the wall. else showToast No message posted.. extends BaseDialogListener public void onComplete Bundle values final String postId values.getString post_id if postId null showToast Message posted on the wall. else showToast No message posted on the wall. public void..