android Programming Glossary: pom
android-maven-plugin and resource filtering file i define one property as myFilteredProperty helloFromPOM and also define the same property in POM properties helloFromPOM.. helloFromPOM and also define the same property in POM properties helloFromPOM MY PROPERTY helloFromPOM properties.. also define the same property in POM properties helloFromPOM MY PROPERTY helloFromPOM properties Switched on filtering on..
Face Recognition on Android the following pom.xml project xmlns http POM 4.0.0 xmlns xsi http 2001 XMLSchema instance xsi.. instance xsi schemaLocation http POM 4.0.0 http xsd maven 4.0.0.xsd modelVersion..
Android: error including/repacking dependencies which reference javax core classes on simpleframework's xml parser defined as follows in my POM file dependency groupId org.simpleframework groupId artifactId..
APKLIB does not get installed in Maven Repo console. adding it as a dependency in your main project's POM does not automatically import the library project into your..
android-maven-plugin and resource filtering And i want to obtain this values from my pom. In properties file i define one property as myFilteredProperty helloFromPOM and also define the same property in POM properties helloFromPOM MY PROPERTY helloFromPOM properties Switched on filtering.. pom. In properties file i define one property as myFilteredProperty helloFromPOM and also define the same property in POM properties helloFromPOM MY PROPERTY helloFromPOM properties Switched on filtering on assets dir build ... resources resource.. i define one property as myFilteredProperty helloFromPOM and also define the same property in POM properties helloFromPOM MY PROPERTY helloFromPOM properties Switched on filtering on assets dir build ... resources resource directory project.basedir..
Face Recognition on Android ™re using Maven you can retrieve the required libraries with the following pom.xml project xmlns http POM 4.0.0 xmlns xsi http 2001 XMLSchema instance xsi schemaLocation http POM 4.0.0 http POM 4.0.0 xmlns xsi http 2001 XMLSchema instance xsi schemaLocation http POM 4.0.0 http xsd maven 4.0.0.xsd modelVersion 4.0.0 modelVersion groupId com.pcbje groupId artifactId opencvfacerecognizer..
Android: error including/repacking dependencies which reference javax core classes which is driving me crazy. I want to include a dependency on simpleframework's xml parser defined as follows in my POM file dependency groupId org.simpleframework groupId artifactId simple xml artifactId version 2.5.3 version dependency When..
APKLIB does not get installed in Maven Repo only works in android maven plugin from command line console. adding it as a dependency in your main project's POM does not automatically import the library project into your Eclipse so no library project shown in Package Explorer. Simply..
android-maven-plugin and resource filtering file in assets directory which contains different application settings. And i want to obtain this values from my pom. In properties file i define one property as myFilteredProperty helloFromPOM and also define the same property in POM properties..
Maven and android - Slightly different builds for different environments xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 resources string name config_server_url config.server.url string resources Sample pom configuration for filtering all xml file under res directory build resources resource directory project.basedir res directory.. properties file with properties maven plugin. For simplicity I prefer to use Maven profiles and define them in pom.xml like so profiles profile id dev id properties config.server.url config.server.url properties profile..
android-maven-plugin: Disable debug build for apk now debuggable by default you NEED TO ensure that the release parameter is set to true in your release build. In the pom this would be e.g. groupId groupId artifactId android maven plugin artifactId.. the command line with e.g mvn clean deploy Dandroid.release true or if you use the release plugin just add the above pom config to the release profile. Source Code com jayway maven plugins android phase09package Related Pull Request..
APKLIB does not get installed in Maven Repo maven android setup. I know that I was supposed to just include the dependency then specify the repo inside the pom that I have managed to do but to no luck did this just not work for me. these are the dependency and repository tags I used.. project into your Eclipse so no library project shown in Package Explorer. Simply adding the apklib as a dependency in pom doesn't help much for project development. as packages classes under the apklib is not referenced linked to your main project...